

Interviews are conducted to judge the skills, experience, and attitude of the candidates for a possible opportunity. Since my childhood, I have found to be more slavery mindset 😵. So, Taken Interviews are my basic instinct. It is obvious that the result of my Interviews matches with yours; mostly unsuccessful 😭. The rate of unsuccessfulness varies from person to person, but I never met any champion 🏆 who says his/her most of the Interviews are successful and got the job offer. Those statistics prove that Interviewer is smarter 😼 than you and asks the question that you do not know or could not answer in the way that intelligent interviewer was expecting from you.

After your successful hiring, When you came to know about the skills and qualities of the interviewer, you seriously start thinking about taking anger management 😠 classes. Nobody fights with the King of Jungle (Human Resources). HR Department is very supportive but at some points, they act very weird and their suspicious looks create anxiety 😟.

Few following examples of my encounters with the HR Team. One Interviewer asked me how do you see myself after 5 Years ? 🤔. If I were such a visionary 👁️, why would I apply for a little pennies job in your company? I just need that job at this time to run my daily expenses. Another question asked, why should we hire you? 🧐 This is something the Interviewer has to evaluate; I have answered all your questions; If I fit in your company and culture, hire me. Or the other answer to this question would be because your existing staff is not much capable 🤏 and I would add value to your business which they are not putting efforts. It means produce enemies in form of peers before getting on board. One question that I hate very much is What are your weaknesses?🕺Why; you want to screw me for the rest of my life? All these questions are supposed to be evaluated by Interviewer.

The above-asked questions were somewhat related to work. But what If the Interviewer asks why did you wear that particular color 🎨 for the Management role. Is there a connection of color with the Job role? Why your hairs are struggling to migrate towards the West ⬅️, where some of the hairs’ bunch of rebellions still pointing towards the North ⬆️? I could never comb my hair perfectly because of too silky and allergic to Gel 👶. Even on my wedding day, I was so embarrassed because of the over usage of gel application on my hair.

But HR is also a victim department. Nowadays HR is struggling to find competitive staff for their organizations. It is hard for them to hire the right candidate in 3-5 Interviews even. This is the reason most people get the job from references than the traditional job hiring process. So be social 🤝, meet the people even if you do not like them, praise them and sell your skills.🙏

#Interviews #office #success #failure #question #answer #salary #promotion #HR #Manager

© Cashif