

51/50or hell is coming
15th of January 1999.
“ I couldn’t kill it I’ve been trying I have cut off the head and removed the heart hoping that would have done it ,but it continues to tell me stories of the wicked and the damned.” this being of another world, would not die or shut up it kept telling me about the evil that came through to our world, and keeps looking for the perfectly tortured souls that keep trying to hold on to the light. now that the light is dying slowly and no one seems to notice it’s the perfect time kill what little light they hold onto and let them renounce the one they call god. or least that’s what the pile of body parts keeps blabbering on about, “me I’m still trying to hold my shit together telling myself that i did not just hack someTHING! to pieces and it continues to spew its crazy shit. I mean what would you do?fuck you would do the same thing wouldn’t you?!.
© Rexican