

Chapter One
A boy walked kick opened the  door into his bedroom with so much frustration.
He lay his hair back roughing up his complexion.

Rough day on the last of school. 

Lets the straps of his backpack thud to the floor along with his other sutff spread everywhere on the ground.  Fallen face down in his  bed still having his  school clothes on few feet away the drop point.

Rather he make it or not, he didn't care. Wanted go the   sleep either way was fine. 

It taken out his misery, was better in his favor then  dealing with this.

Smelled   coated coffee creamer oats cereal.
Un-resisting  smell it was.  Felt so fluffy an warm.

Pushed out blankets  hugging his teddybear   puffed  up against the pillow sticking behind comforting his head
to stamp spine to his  neck.

His  eyes started giving out, falling into being compelled  to a deep sleep.

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