

Something For You
Write a story based on this famous excerpt from Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl:

The violence of the crash, the noise, the small table overturning, helped bring her out of the shock. She came out slowly, feeling cold and surprised, and she stood for a while blinking at the body, still holding the ridiculous piece of meat tight with both hands.

All right, she told herself. So I’ve killed him...

I want to start by saying the reason for choosing this excerpt taken from the book and give the story from my own different way and I hope my readers will enjoy reading till the end. By the way I want to thank you all my well-wishers for your patience for my next story. This was long, and I hope to make the reading a good experience till the end.

As we can read from this excerpt that a woman had killed a man, and she recovered from a shock because of the violence of the crash, the noise and the small table overturning. She was surprised and blinking at the ridiculous piece of meat still holding in both her hands until finally she finally said to herself, and I've killed him.

This famous excerpt from Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl is based on a short story. Not going much into an introduction about the author was a British novelist, short-story writer, poet, screenwriter, and wartime fighter pilot. His books have sold more than 250 million copies worldwide. Dahl was born in Wales to Norwegian immigrant parents. He served in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War.

Let's jump inside the story and excerpt. The events led to a woman murder and save herself from a man she had killed happened to be her husband and as well the father of the child she was now pregnant. This man was going for another woman when this took place and this is the story of a woman and her first husband who she kills and escapes. The story ends up when she tries doing the same thing to her second husband also and gets hooked up. Now no alibis or no escape.

The first husband (hereafter the 'husband') comes home. He and his wife are leading a happy life, and he works as a detective. She is a happy woman taking care of him and the house when he is away. All of a sudden one day the husband after returning from work is exhausted, and she prepares for him a drink. The husband now wants to tell his intentions to her, and then he gives her a divorce paper and says he would take care of her and the child they were expecting to have. The wife gets busy with kitchen work and comes out pulling the leg of a lamb she had kept for dinner. The husband gets ready to leave and says he is going out. She informs him that she is getting dinner ready for them tonight. He bluntly says he won't be having dinner with her anymore and gets ready to move. When in a fit of anger and the frozen lamb's leg in her hand she hits him hard on the back of his head and falls down. She looks at him and he is dead. She could not think of anything now, but to save herself and the child she is now carrying. Furthermore, she thinks that any of this that has taken place now must not come into the well-being of her unborn child. Likewise, she thinks of an alibi to escape herself in order to save the child. Leaving the dead husband and the house she goes to the shop to buy some groceries. She starts a bland conversation with the grocer and makes some purchases and returns home and to inform the police. The detectives arrive, and they start to question her, and she narrates to them a story she had created. The detectives come to believe that some intruder had killed her husband when she away according to her story. The detectives get ready to leave, and she tells them to have dinner as it was already late. She had prepared a dinner that night with the leg of the lamb she had used to kill her husband. The detectives agree and as she sees they have dinner at her home and leave.

She finds herself cleared off the murder as the detectives believe her story and thinking having escaped and also saved her child from them. She calmly and quietly starts to lead a new life and marries another man. He is by nature a forgetful person. They lead together a new life for sometime. Life goes on and everything about her first husband gets to be forgotten. Nothing is said about the faith of this woman, but for the sake of writing a good story from the excerpt I wish to bring in a Bible verse from the book of John 21:15-17. “ If you love me, feed my sheep. Feed my sheep, Jesus heals, The good shepherd.”

The above verse actually tells the followers and the disciples of Jesus in order to lead a good life we must be a good shepherd like him. From the story above we know that she and her husband were living a happy life together, and she was also pregnant from him. They loved and cared for each other just as the verse in the Bible above. Like to everyone temptation came for her husband, and he started seeing for another woman and wanted to leave her and their unborn child with her. Just as Satan seduced Eve and Adam to eat the fruit from the fruit from the Forbidden Tree which God had forbid Adam and Eve not to eat from that tree. But, Satan was successful in the Book of Genesis in the Bible and sin came into the world. In our story the husband was tempted for another woman and just as God punished Adam and Eve she punishes her husband and ends up killing him just God drives out Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.

I have a feeling that without inventing something here we cannot go ahead to write a good story. In the end just as according to the author the woman marries for a second time and for a second time she tries to kill her second husband also. But, this time luck is not on her side and she ends up being caught in the act.

© S. Francis Hector