

Introduction to the story:

this story is based on “Addiction” that will highlight about a young teen suffers from drunkenness after his friend pressurises him to take a shot of mix alcoholic drink. being from a very wealthy family, his friends make him to lend thousands of money to get more alcoholic drinks. to find out what turn does this story takes again, kindly cooperate and read it till the end.

Harry is fifteen year old teen belonging to very high class family, he also had a friend circle consisting of seven friends. Harry, never felt a need of sharing his day-to-day experiences to any of his family members since he always used to put the things out of his chest while having a chat to his girlfriend Jenny. who too belonged to very lavish family.

Harry's mother was always worried about his career since he rarely used to open his books to study and always gave excuses for not attending his school. Harry was even scolded by his father for not being obedient and answering him back at times. we all know that teenagers don't take advises seriously so Harry was least bothered about anything and always preferred to hanging out with his friends after his school. he often came home late at night and when he rang the door bell his parents would ignore. although his mother was really worried and wanted to get him in, she kept quiet since Harry's dad disallowed her to.

poor Harry, it was his regular state where he has to sleep near the doorstep all night and at 6:00 early in the morning his mother used to take trouble to get him in before his dad could wake up.
that morning his mother called him for breakfast when he didn't answered, again she gave a call, but still when he didn't answer his dad with an aggressive state gave him aloud call. Harry's dad lost his patience when still he didn't answered. Harry's dad took a baseball bat and straightly went upstairs, his mother at the back. he straitly went and knocked Harry's door and directly entered in. when he saw that Harry is asleep and his room was messed up he got more angry overtime and rushed to wake him up. Harry's dad splashed a bucket of cold water on his face. No longer did he splash the bucket of cold water of Harry's face, his sleep dispersed and just when he opened his eyes he saw the face of his dad staring at him in anger right in his eyes.

Harry's dad beat him for 2 hours with the baseball bat and later left him with a warning to better be available at home after his school. After Harry's dad left for his meetings his mom came running with a first aid box and began applying medicine. She had tears in her eyes and hugged Harry tight and asked him to stop this stupid habbits. Harry didn't took anything seriously that was advised to him by his parents as he was very disturbed and annoyed. and without taking much time he left his room with the car keys and directly arrived to the secret apartment of a very posh hotel that was rendered by him and his friends in order to have fun and enjoyment.

Neither his parents nor any of Harry's friends knew about their secret place and what were the things that they do over there... when Harry arrived over there he found that his friends were already present and having fun with whiskey, brandy and other strong alcoholic drinks. there were even packets of drugs that few of them were inhaling in the corner. Harry had never tried such things before since his parents had warned him strictly about this. when Jake one of Harry's friend called him to join them, he gave an excuse saying he wanna stay alone..

Harry's friends knew that he never tried alcoholic drinks before so they tried to convince him to take a shot... Harry was already very depressed so just because his friend suggested him to take a drink as it would help him to overcome the sadness Harry couldn't refuse and he just dipped his finger into glass of whiskey and tasted him... although it tasted bitter he swallowed the entire glass and pretended as if it's tasteless and used to have it reguraly.

after a while Harry began liking it... so, his friends even suggested him to inhale some cannabis. and when Harry refused his friends tried to memorise how rude his parents treated him. remembering this he left his consciousness and started inhaling drugs....

after that day, Harry used to buy drugs and some if alcoholic drinks by himself without any notice of his parents. he wasn't available at his house for several months. his parents were really concerned and too all possible measures to find him but all went for waste. there wasn't any hope left. Harry's dad had already made up his mind that his son had died.

Harry was suffering from an addiction of drugs and alcoholic drinks. his mental condition started having it's effect as ND slowly he began to feel drowsy and sick. although he wasn't in the state of moving somewhere, he regularly used to go in casinos and spend lakhs of rupees and used to always lose it. he used to even have fights and get involved in illegal activities.

after some months his credit card got blocked and he didn't have a single penny to spend on. he felt a need for alcoholic drinks overtime but there wasn't any friend to help him out. Harry's mind wasn't stable but he had made up his mind that he won't look for a way back home. this addiction made him to suffer till his lifetime. he was jobless and slept on street and felt a need for asking for money like a beggar.

#happytyping :-)