

ouch! that first experience..
When we think back on our first experiences, we recall how they were not what we expected and did not provide us with the satisfaction we desired. Maybe the first experiences are never meant to be perfect. They will always be messy and most probably embrassing for everyone of us. Think about the courage that took you to take that first step. Think about the sleepless nights the fear of failing, the fear of people laughing at you and all those countless pieces of doughts that kept you awake all night those first experiences. When you felt your heart beating out, your body sweating out, and you could feel your body shaking grounds those first experiences made us what we are today. what I know is that first experiences are never about what you did or how well you performed but rather it is all about celebrating that first step. The courage that which you showed and put out into the world knowing that it would be difficult but you still did it. You had the courage and enormous bravery within you to let yourself being embrassed and talked about for obvious comic reasons. Don't hope for how well could it have happened if you would have done something else. Don't tire yourself thinking what people would think because people don't care. They will talk for few days and they forget just when something new pops out cuz we are human. what's gone is gone you can't change it. It just happened. You might still feel embrassed about it and that's all ok. Everyone of us have somewhere somehow been through all those same embrassing moments which we still recall and laugh about it. Yes, we just laugh about it and that's it. Don't think too much about it. Remind yourself that you are proud of yourself for not giving up and mustering up enough courage to face it and deal with it even though you fet like dying and getting lost right at that moment but you didn't. Not everyone has that much of courage within themselves.
So, thank you to all those weird first experiences which were all complete disasters. So cheer up!