

Arts of Appreciation
Today I was at an interview, and when I was offered my examination questions in English, I read through the page about "appreciation"
Honestly, I am not the kind that forget to thank people but some struck me as I read through. The page says that thanking people has nothing to do with the size of the help or gift and service render, but about the intent behind the rendition. I know this quiet well but I came to the obvious convinction that people who help have an intention to help first, they make the move, add the effort, they make a place for you and your needs, they are intentional about you and your needs, they pause all to help you, they are there at that time for your sake, they have the choice to pick someone else, to want someone else, to help someone else (probably themselves) yet they made room for you, to come through for you.
I hope that these helps you understand the true Art of appreciation and show of gratitude.