

undarken love pt 1
devika the first child, Anu the younger sister, with thier mother neela are all sitting down in thier sofa. any the younger sister decided to put on some lively moment by having a conversation.

anu: sister devika, if you have a husband, what will you do with him
devika: I don't wanna have a husband. (she said angrily like she had seen a monster with greasy teeth)
anu: okayyy(she said surprisingly) I am not asking you if you wanna get married, I was just asking you if.....
devika: I don't care (cut in) having husband feels like a nightmare.
anu hugged her sister and said to her calmly

anu: okay. it's okay. if you don't Wanna get married then so be it. I was just asking just for fun.
neela: okay, go to bed everyone and we shall continue our conversation tommorow.

as devika woke up, she had to go to school to submit her form to get transferred into college. on her way there, she met a boy who is tall.

boy: hello
devika: excuse me, could you get out of the way please.
boy: what's your name??
devika: why....
boy: relax. (cut in) I think i ma falling inlove with you already.
devika: ..........
boy: you are beautiful. hey, do you mind if we could do our project together?
devika: sure ( she said in a nervous tone)
boy: I can't wait to get married to you.
devika: what??
boy: I can't wait to get married to you??
devika don't know what to say