

A page from my childhood: My beloved parents.
It was during my examination that I returned home late after spending time with my friends. 
My Achhan (father) advised me in a bit of a harsh tone. Frankly speaking, he scolded me for staying out late during my examination, and I felt very sad. My Amma (mother) knew how I would feel and even may skip my dinner. As I stepped into my room, she came and hugged me tight with a kiss and ensured that I had my food before I went to sleep. Here, half of my grief has been taken care of. Not yet done, as I lay down with my eyes closed, I feel a drop of water on my cheeks, but before I open my eyes, I hear Achhan's voice. He said, "I love you very much, my dear mone (son); it's for your good," and he kissed me on my forehead, positioning my blanket properly before switching off the lights and leaving my room. It was not a drop of water, as I felt a while ago. It was a drop of precious tears from my Achhan. I know my Amma is watching him without his knowledge. 
I feel the tears on my cheeks before I go for a sound sleep, with all my grief taken care of.
I love you, my dearest Amma, Achhan!!!
© Krishnan
#parents #parentslove #mother #father #motherslove #fatherslove #childhood #childhoodmemories #memories #Love&love