

The Maids (Part 1)


Northsay is the most powerful kingdom in Galesaith, and it was ruled by King Martin and his queen Rebecca.

Intro: The steward and Kathryne were in the courtyard discussing about the king.

(Dialogue between Kathryne and Steward)

KATHRYNE: You know Steward, I think the king fancy my attire.

STEWARD: Oh! Really, He fancy most maiden attire, you dare not think you're special.

KATHRYNE: Blasphemy, how dare you call the king a liar, he held my hands and place it on his head, he sworn on his late mother's grave. The king's word is nothing but truth.

STEWARD: How then will you explain the bat flying in daylight without hitting its head on the polls?

KATHRYNE: You speak in parables.

STEWARD: Have you seen Annastacia lately, she wear the dragons robe, like she is perhaps the queen, she throw herself around the palace with her gown flirting with the floor, how then can you explain this boldness?

KATHRYNE: Steward what are you getting at.

STEWARD: If you can't understand all this, I see no reason why you should praise the king, I believe your foolishness need praises.

KATHRYNE: Begone I will not let you lure me into your insanity. The king is pure like Dove and kind, he will never be in comfort of Annastacia, Begone already.

STEWARD: Farewell Kathryne, I wish you a long lasting years of sense.