

True Love Never Dies....

From the moment I fell in love with him I knew he was it. He was my end nothing comes after him. There really isnt no moving on after the one you love dies. no matter how hard I try to love again it always ends up being a waste of time. I lost my soulmate. as human beings we are born into this world, soul searching, living to find our other half, the one who makes us feel whole, even when separated and going through bad times, I still felt complete. I still felt whole because he was in my life, in our kids life. I knew our separation was always only temporary, we would always end up back together, little did i realize we were running out of time.
We never dwelled over a breakup or separation it never hurt neither of us to see eachother with some one else because we knew who we really belonged to. Eachother. Never waste time playing foolish games with the person you know you wont ever stop loving, never be spiteful or try to prove a point because you think you got all the time in the world with eachother to make up. You dont! In life when you fall inlove with someone, when you bring children into the world together, your making that person the choice, love all of them, the good, the bad and the worse of them. Dont fight yourself and run when things fall apart because even that is only temporary. Time heals all wrong doings. But time wont heal the regret of not taking them back sooner. Time waits for no one. Dont waste love, we dont know what true love is until they are gone when you realize that feeling doesnt die when they do. Love truely out lives us all. Love and forgive or regret.