

My name, 7 letters, between 14 letters 2 times.
Everyone knows that after the rain comes good weather.

7 letters that's contains my name in the middle of 14 letters 2 times. Two different 21. A 21 of destruction and a 21 of construction. Let's see...

After a bad experience with satan the king of darkness, the almighty God arrives, my Lord and savior Jesus Christ and I fall in love with Him.

Also after the arrival of a psychopath in my life, the Virus Man, the son of the king of darkness Satan, half snake half human, a handsome prince also arrives in my life. One who is the son of the king of the universe: Jesus Christ.

They both have 14 letters in their names, and with my name will be 21 letters. One is the serpent's seed and the other is the royal seed of Abraham. I hate one and I love one.

One is the serpent's seed and the other is the royal seed of Abraham.

The name of the virus man begins with E and his last name with P, both contain 7 letters. and with my name in the middle it was 21. 21 is a name of perfection because it contains 3 times 7. But my relationship with the VIRUS MAN was the most imperfect relationship that could ever exist. The virus man cannot build anything, he only destroys. I was for 10 years in the middle of those two letters, E and P, believe me I have lost a lot of energy. ERP, the formation of the disaster.

The name of my prince charming begins with G and his last name begins with L both with 7 letters that give a total of 14, the initial of my name in the middle is a total of 21 letters. GRL is the most perfect combination after JRC ( Jesus and Rebecca Christ). Our meeting always brings something nice. He is not a billionaire, he is not rich, but he has the thing that nothing in the world can buy: Jesus Christ in his life and with Jesus Christ in his life he can have nothing but love, respect, wisdom, faith , joy among others.

My prince charming, a single word describes him and that word is LOVE. I can really not love him. After God, comes him.

I really love this 21. GRL. Is between him and I after Jesus Christ.


© RebChrist888