

Memories ( Part 2 )
It was the time to go to my college .. but I refused my dad to go . As i did not liked the college a lot because , there were some seniors who used to bully me everytime . And also I was struggling to get rid of my mother's memories . But I could not ......

So I talked to my father to go in Delhi's Public High College . I requested him to admit me there , as I wanted to get rid of the deadly memories about my mom . But my father won't let me go away , he want me to stay with him here . But after convincing a lot to my father , with a heavy rock he said Yes .

I was not knowing at that time , that I am doing my life's biggest mistake . My father gave me all the sweets and packed for me delicious food for my journey . I hugged my dad , and then clicked some pictures with him in every moment to remember them in worst times .

Then I went to Delhi , and settled there for 2 years . In that 2 years I learned many new things , inspired every day and made many good friends . My friends always helped me in every way . Likewise , usually my habit was to capture every moment in my photos which I called MEMORIES . My friends and people around me loved my habit .

But one day , my all happiness finished in just a moment . I got a call from my neighbour that my dad is no more . Hearing this , I fainted . When I woke up , I was in a very big panic about my dad . I went to Indore to see my dad . I couldn't believe my eyes that I losted my father too . When I asked the reason of my dad's death to the people , they said that he always remembered me , and remembering me .... he died .

I cried that day a lot , because I lost my parents and everything , and every moment . After some weeks I came back to Delhi , and was looking the pictures of that beautiful moments memories .