

Dawn At Sunset- 1


She sighed when the first rays of sun touched her face. The warmth of a new day was welcomed - and so was the alcohol.

'This really is a friend of life' Ha Yoon thought taking a swig of her soju. She savoured the burn of the alcohol mingled with the slight sweetness of distilled rice wine. 'Perfect'.

"Nothing like soju and the rising sun," she said aloud to herself, leaning back on her hands. The view of dawn was beautiful from atop her apartment complex, but she imagined it would have been even more breath taking down by the harbour. The pinkish tint of the sky over blue waters, the slight wash of gold over the docks and the symphony, which would otherwise be a cacophony at any other time of day, of chirping and squawking of morning birds and gulls flying over the pier, would be perfect right now.

She would rather be there now, soaking up the beauty of that scenery instead of the one proffered here. Yeonsu-gu district was already bustling with life and the morning rush was underway even though it was just 6 am. Especially in this part of town there was an influx of doctors, teachers, contractors, private and commercial business owners... overall very busy, self respecting people that had to be at their respective jobs and thus began the hum-bub of the morning rush.

Thus the noise really interfered with one's appreciation of the beauty of golden rays on concrete and glass. Ha Yoon chuckled, the thought being funnier than she had intended.

Though 17, she had already completed her job. 'It was important business too' she mused sarcastically to herself, for she had to go out of town each night. 'Only important people did inter-city travelling.'

"Living the high life," she whispered, removing a few strands of hair from her face. It was quickly followed by an utterance of "Nope...nope...no more," whilst she wrung her hands together feeling the emotions rise within her. She took two big swigs of her soju to distract her from the stinging of tears behind her eyes, finishing it before munching on her half eaten corn dog and kimchi that she had in the food box beside her. She would not cry. No, she would not. She had cried all the way home on the train ride from Seoul. She wouldn't have a repeat. Not now, not today.

She stuffed her mouth with food as if she was stuffing her tears away, but nearly choked when she was startled by a sudden bang.

She looked over her shoulder to see someone had slammed open the metal roof door of the apartment complex and had barged unto the roof muttering furiously under his breath about some double-crossing bastard.

The guy who seemed in his early 20's sported a mop of dingy black hair, that was in desperate need of some grooming that fell over his eyes, but Ha Yoon could just imagine them shining with anger as he punched in a number furiously on his phone, that he had yanked from the back pocket of his tight black jeans.

Kim Ha Yoon wondered who the guy was mad at, at such an early hour and quietly ate her corn dog as she took in the scene. The guy had not seen her, though she was really in full view at the opposite end of the roof. He was too caught up by his anger to notice anything but the endless ringing of his phone that ended in a voice mail.

"Ahh! Park Chong-il. Pick up you little shit!" The guy shouted leaning on the white railing that enclosed the perimeter of the roof. The apartment management had installed the railing as a means of being proactive after some sad teenager had plummeted to his death about a year ago.

Ha Yoon was pissed when she returned from staying in Songdo for two weeks to find the white barrier. She had been toughening up her guts to plummet to her death too and was surprised and infuriated to find that management had responded so quickly. They should have least given her a month, she reckoned.

She was drawn back from her thoughts by Tight Jeans, who had gotten through to the other person and was now yelling into the phone, a vein on the side of his neck bulging.

"You want to die!?" He screamed, "I told you that...- You were supposed to come to my apartment you dumb shit! Not go to... -And I heard that you went to... -Are you forgetting that I am the one that owns your dumbass?"

Ha Yoon tried to make out what was being said but other than the few lines that indicated that Tight Jeans was mad at this Chong-il, which was already established, his back and forth pacing as well as the more than gentle morning wind, hindered her from getting any of the details.

Resigned to give up her fruitless eaves dropping she returned to her meal, opening her third bottle of soju and taking a drink, the yelling frustrations of Tight Jeans falling into the morning music of the district.

She checked her phone and saw that it was now 6:36 am. School started at 8 and she still hadn't slept yet. Although there wasn't much sleeping with the ruckus her parents were creating in the apartment. Not a day went by that the two didn't fight.

Management had talked to them several times about the noise but Ha Yoon's father invited him over for soup one time and soon after Ha Yoon had heard generous laughter coming from behind her bedroom door. After that visit no complaints were made after that, even though her father still slammed her mother in the coffee table at nights.

A new one was supposed to be delivered today.

Tight Jeans had finally come off the phone uttering a bunch of expletives as he leaned on the rail, ruffling his hair in frustration. He finally cocked his head side ways and caught sight of Ha Yoon sitting down in the corner. She gave him a nod and a sort of bashful smile crept unto his face.

He rubbed the back of his neck and then shoved his hands in his pocket and walked over.

"If I had known someone had been out here, I would have been a little more quiet," he said with a light tone to his voice.

"You must think I am some angry meathead," he said with a chuckle, sitting down beside Ha Yoon.

'Well your awfully friendly' she thought a bit surprised by the ease at which Tight Jeans sat beside her as if he knew her. However she offered a small lop- sided grin. "Hmph. It's not even seven and I am on my third bottle of soju," She said holding up her liquor, "I don't judge."

Tight Jeans laughed. It was a genuine laugh that seemed to tinkle with vivacity in the morning air and it caused a chuckle to escape Ha Yoon's lip.

The guy reached into the inner pocket of his charcoal blazer and pulled out a box of cigarettes.

"Have a light?" he asked as he put one in his mouth.

Ha Yoon regarded him for a few seconds before reaching into her top, taking out a can of lighter fluid. Tight Jeans took it and lighted his joint, puffing out a cloud of grey smoke, tainting the freshness of the morning air.

He took another draw, this time blowing the smoke through his nostrils. "Want?" He asked extending the joint to Ha Yoon.

"Sure," She responded reaching out to take the cigarette.

Tight Jeans pulled back, "How old are you?" There was a playful tease to his voice.

"Seriously. That question didn't cross your mind when you were asking me for a light?" Ha Yoon asked trying to sound irritated, but was more amused.

Tight Jeans laughed. "I don't know I guess your sense of fashion just pins you as someone who might have a light."

"My sense of fashion?"

The guy motioned to her lower half. "Fish net stockings and shiny red stilletos in the morning, almost like a song," he said taking a drag of his cigarette.

Ha Yoon was suddenly conscious of her attire. Slightly pulling on her skirt to hide her legs, although it was a mini. She hadn't really thought of changing when she got home. She just wanted to get out and get some fresh air, to cleanse the vileness she felt clung to her body, from all those groping hands.

"Mhm, I see," she said redirecting her attention back to the guy beside her before she was sucked away by her thoughts.

The guy came closer to her face this time, "So, how old are you?" He used his hands to smoothed back the hair that had fallen in his face. He had that ruggish handsomeness about him rather than the baby face cuteness of most - long full brows, eyes of onyx, and plush red lips all set in a sturdy square face with jawlines to cut.

Ha Yoon couldn't help but feel enamoured and with a mischievous smile she plucked the cigarette from his hand saying, "Old enough." She took a long drag before releasing a long stream of billowing smoke through her nostrils unto the guy's face.

The man coughed.

"Impressive," he said once the smoke cleared. "I underestimated you."

They sat together in comfortable silence, sharing the joint and Ha Yoon's last bottle of soju, for a few minutes, before Ha Yoon's phone rang.

She looked at the caller ID.


She sighed.

"Boyfriend?" The guy asked.

"Yep, my one and only," she replied , feeling the guilt wash over her as with a tired sigh she let the phone go to voice mail.

It was 8:15.

"Then why didn't you answer?"

"Some things are better left unsaid," Ha Yoon replied taking a sip of the soju and passing it to him, taking the joint in exchange.

"Being poetic now aren't we?" The guy chuckled.

"Mmph," Ha Yoon uttered with a grin. "Just trying to enjoy some peace and quiet Tight Jeans."
She blew the smoke out through her mouth, watching it gathering and dissipating before her face.

"Tight Jeans?" The guy asked amused.

"Yeah Tight Jeans," Ha Yoon replied, pinching the guys pants. It barely came up off his leg. "You'd think it's a second skin."

"Ah, now I see."

They chuckled.

"Gu Ji-tae," the guy offered his name, extending the soju to her.

She smiled taking it.

"And you?"

"Late," she replied taking a swig of her liquor and finishing it. She stood up with her empty bottles and food box and headed to the door.

She heard Ji-tae laughing behind her. "Alright see you around Stilettos."

She gave him a back hand wave before walking through the door, a smile on her lips.
