

Some stories can change people, atleast they can make people escape from the worst realities they are living in. So ,we people go insearch of captivating , inspiring and motivating stories.
I have done with some of my fictional stories to present before you in the coming days.
But before I would like to make you discover the best story you could ever read in this world.Most of the people don't realise about that story.
Just go and look infront of a mirror in your room. You will see a great person. Look at his/her eyes, it got the finest and purest stories to tell about the past, present and future.Read them, sometimes you may pour some tears. Sometimes you may smile proudly. Sometimes you may feel Ashamed of yourself.
Whatever it may be, it's your story after all.
You may realise one thing ;if you are just scribing out what is going inside your head, reading and rereading you will see all the flaws you have done . You will see all the achievements you made, but which faded away behind the shadow of you judging yourself badly. You will realise how much you did hurt people around you. At the same time you will also realise how much you loved a person, but still he/she ignores you, and still yourself going behind them like a puppy again and again.
Now, when you rewrite your story into another paper by clearing all the flaws you have made, not only in the paper but also in your life, You will feel the best Hero/Heroin you have ever met in your life.

Trust in you, You are the best story that you have ever read in your whole life...❤️Read, reread....Make changes....Be ready to get the happiest and most satisfying death in the world...After all that's the biggest success a person deserve..."Die happily "

© Hilfa