

Imperfect love |Part-2|

After that, same gentleman routine, gym, specs, water bottle, protein shake more for show-off, daily news analysis and couple of hours in thorough reading of the subject in the library.

One fine night, one of our college friend texted me late night and said, "You know, why she is not talking to you?
Why you two ended up with this?"
I was curious to know the reason. She elaborated everything to me. Why she couldn't resist me. Why she couldn't let things flow fine between us. And! She exclaimed that- it was not her who was the reason of every problem but her uncle (maamu).
Somehow, he got proof of her past relationship and he was routinely forcing her to make physical relations with him. She had a clear "NO" in her mind. But she was disturbed for the reason that "What would happen if he would let her parents know"?
Even if she would raise  her arguments, who would have faith in her after watchinn her😢

Soon after, I assumed that it was all my fault that I never tried to know the exact problem.
Next morning, I went to the college almost an hour prior to regular timing. I kept myself waiting for her. And! When she entered the classroom, I asked that friend to let her know that I wanted to talk about something.

In the same room where we used to talk for hours, where I was about to kiss her, we met again. I was on my knees next to her while providing her a place infront of me. I held her hands and cried for 15-20 minutes while placing my head in her lap that even her dress became wet with the moisture of my eyes.
She was not very emotional but tensed. Futher, I asked her everything in much detail and she told me every single aspect.
With that reason, she came closer to me, once again. We used to spend quality  time together and almost  followed the same routines which we followed earlier. We hardly went out of campus . I insisted her a number of times to go somewhere else but she denied every time.

Meanwhile, I took legal advices, cyber help, read cyber laws and one of my friend told me about a bug which can destroy all the data from one's cell phone. Eventually, it costed more than my pocket money and I was saving every single penny I could, to help her in every possible way.

Inspite of living in a PG, I was ready to make the sacrifice for her. One evening, while I was doing my evening pooja , while remembering "Mahakali" with all my heart, I prayed for her.
Suddenly, I got calls one after another from her. After completing my worship, I checked my phone and dialled her number in tension.
She picked up the call and everything had changed . She was delighted. Happy like, I have never seen her before. She told me that - Somehow, She managed to delete every stuff and now she is free from any kind of threat. We were happy, we talked for an hour and after that she excused me. Even, I wanted to sleep peacefully too. Next morning, I went to famous Mahakali Darbar in our Area, probably reknowned in country. I genuinely thanked goddess, I asked her to join me but she refused while stating a justifiable reason. Afterneath, his uncle could not bear this, So he left home.

Even after a week, I couldn't snap out of the feel  which I sensed before, when everything was not sorted. Or, may be, I didn't want to continue with her when she was not ready to move on. Gradually, I moved on and she never tried to stop me. She never asked me the reason.

Stay tuned, last part coming soon.
Thanks for reading.
Vishal Sharma, India