

My Introduction
Hi I'm Beya and yes ill be using my real name because I want everyone to know my story. I was born July 21st 1995, but thats not where my story begins it begins when I was 9 after I became a young woman that changed EVERYTHING. See most girls can't wait to grow up meet boys someday get married start a family, I wanted to actually enjoy being a kid. Growing up was the hardest thing I went through not because of the monthly visits I was getting from mother nature, but because my biological father wasn't the best man. I was told by three different therapists that he hit all 9 yards of abuse, shocking right? well probably wouldn't be that shocked if you met the man. Anyway after I got my first monthly visitor my bio dad started looking at me different and his anger towards me became worse. If other men looked at me and they did i started to have a figure as I got older so men starred and my dad punished me, as if it was my fault. At the age of 10 the abuse got worse and worse to the point my dad was beating me if a dish was washed wrong. Don't get me wrong he had his moments I was his first born and I know he had to actually love me at some point in my life, at least I think he did. By 11 the abuse well it reached an unforgivable point.....the man that helped create me who along with my mother decided they wanted me, well that same man raped me. It wasn't an accidental touch or accidentally walking in on me while I'm in the bathroom, no it was rape. A girl is supposed to be able to run to her father for protection he's supposed to be the first man to show her love and trust that not all men are bad, but not my dad. It was at that point my childhood was gone the dreams of waiting for the perfect guy to say yes to and eventually saying "I do" to. I had to grow up and realize life was cruel, men are hard to trust, anyone is hard to trust, trust nobody. The rape went on for almost a year if he wasn't on top of me he was beating me or bribing me to keep my mouth shut and my anger grew and it grew. Eventually I stood up to him and told him I loved him but I didn't want to live with him anymore, so he sent me to my grandparents house. I didn't tell anyone anything for about a year and a half. Hi I'm Beya and this is my introduction.