

Mick in the world of dreams
Mick in the world of dreams

We know that everyone in this world has a dream and fly with his dream , except one person called "Mick" , the child who has 8 years old . Mick was born in london .
Everyday , mick has a dream and he tell his parents about his dreams . One day , Mick drank a cup of milk and he started to sleep , he told to himself "what is the new in my dream today ? , I want a big blue dragon .

In the midnight , Mick walked up early , he surprised say " why I walked up early " . He thought that , he didn’t dream and he just walked up . Mick was very thirsty and he went to the kitchen to drink some water but , suddenly he heard something outside the house , he went to the window to see what is it ? But , he didn’t found anything . Again he heard the same sound but , this time he went outside the house and follow the sound . Suddenly he heard something said " BA BA BO " and he slept .
Mick walked up which find himself in a big land and saw a bird speaks call " Larry " , in that time Mick thought he is dreaming . Mick asked Larry said " who are you ?, where I am ?and what is this place ?"
Larry told him : " I am Larry , you are in the world of dream and in your land " . Larry offered him to go for a walk in the land . When they were walk , suddenly , Mick saw all the animals that he met them in all his dreams , he was very surprised and amazed .

Larry took Mick the city , which Mick lived and they visited Mick house . Mick asked Larry said : " Larry , my parents are dreaming , now " . Larry told : "yes, I know and I can show you their dreams ". Larry showed him their dreams which mick saw himself in the dream that his father gave a kiss to his mother and gave him a big present but , suddenly Mick heard a sound he was know it and asked Larry " from where the sound come ?" , Larry told him " I will show you " .
Mick and Larry returned back to the land. Which the sound was a sound of a big dragon , Mick saw the dragon it was looked like the dragon which Mick wanted him before his dream , but suddenly , Larry told him " Mick , its time to leave and I promised you , I will visit you to take you to the land again " . Mick said " I believe you , bye Larry and you my sweat dragon " . Larry said " BA BA BO " which Larry slept .

In the morning , Mick walked up and he ran fast to told his parents about everything , at that time , his father gave kiss to his mother and gave him a big present , suddenly Mick realized that he saw this snapshot when he was with Larry so , mike opened the present which find a bird look like " Larry " and a toy of blue dragon look like the dragon which he saw him in the land .

Mick said to himself " the dream world was truth ". He spend everyday , waiting the time to go to the land again .

Written By : Khaled Amr