

Seven Levels of Ascension: Bear Witness
"And He took Spittle and Clay, fashioning it upon the Eyes, and the Blind Man did see."
The Gospels


A #WRITCO Exclusive




The true Nature of the Universe, I suppose, will always be hidden from Human Eyes. We generally only see with our Minds, feel with our Hearts, touch with our Hands. But Spirit sees Spirit, knows Spirit.

Taste and see, this is Truth.

So it's no surprise no matter how many Miracles my Parishioners see, some still simply refuse to Believe. And that Healing does rarely spawn from Nothingness. God has already Created the Heavens and the Earth from Total Nothingness; and at His declaration, it was Good. There is no need for that anymore.Now, we can see healing through other Mediums.

Like Medicine, Holistic Healing and Deep Meditation.

I myself have seen all three. But perhaps the most amazing Healing I personally saw involved an incident that almost caught the entire church on fire.

Forty Days after the Sacrifice, I remember it well. A Rain that would Rival Noah's Flood. Now, our Temple stood on a Hill, not far away from an Old Rugged Cross. It had been there a Number of Years, but we fought Tooth and Nail to have it Preserved for Landmark Sake, successfully. As the Rains came and fell, we could tell it was getting treacherous. The lights dimmed, thunder cracked, and the bolts frequently shot across the bow of the steeple. Yet, the Holy Ghost was in the House and Stayed the Hand of the Enemy. Three new Souls received the Gift that Night. It was Powerful! The Utterance of Tongues had revealed that the Afflicted among us would be healed. The only one we knew with any obvious infirmity was a crippled young man with Dystonia since birth. He sat in a wheelchair in the front by the pulpit every service, without fail, and rarely EVER moved or requested to be removed from that spot, until the service had completed. This was his routine for quite some time.

But tonight, he could not have been more agitated! He cried out and hollered, asking to be moved this way and that. He even fell from his wheelchair several times, once crawling from pew to pew. Then, a still quiet came over the Church. I remember exactly what we were doing. We had just finished reading about God speaking through a Whirlwind, and moved on to Elijah and the Still Small Voice.

And that's PRECISELY when it hit him, like an Electric Shock. He spoke in old Greek from what was Interpreted. Never having made it past Grade School Level, this was highly improbable. We all Danced with Joy for the Lord, and in Celebration for his Salvation. But beyond that even, Samuelle rose up out of his Lifelong Wheelchair.

He was Completely Healed from Dystonia without any trace he'd ever had it.

No one Prayed.

Nobody Annointed his Head with Oil.

Nor had anyone Laid Hands.

God Himself Healed Samuelle through the Awesome Power of the Spirit.

We couldn't see it. We were only Human. But as we felt the effects of the Wind and Bear Witness to its Existence, so too did we Bear Witness to the Deliverance of our young Brother.


After Church, we stepped outside to go Home. But apparently, the Storm Spawned several Tornados that destroyed many homes. Surprisingly, they never touched the church, no any parishioner's house; regardless of whether they were here in the Temple or in their homes. That Testimony gave us all a greater amount of Faith and Appreciation for the Lord our God, and His Protection.

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© I Am MichAel