

Nicole 1124-A
Name Nicole Marie granger grant
Age 22
Marital status maried
Children, one daughter. Pregnant with twins.
Occupation housewife.
Birthplace Morrison Ohio.
Daughter of warren and sherry Davids Granger.
Eye color green
Hair dirty blond
Height 5 foot 6
Weight 129 lbs.
Health..is in good medical health.
Childhood. Her mom stayed at home. Her dad owned his own business. He was a deacon at the church her husband pastors. Helped mom with rating younger siblings and household chores. She is a daddy's girl they loved to go fishing together.
She is known for being friendly, sweet, funnyy, and determined.
Charged with shooting an intruder. She used her husband's gun. He was out of town. She was protecting her daughter and step daughter.
Jail number 1124-A
Status held pending court appearance.
Subject to review by prosecution and judicial review.
The case seems weak.
Uniform blue scrubs like uniform and flip flops. Does not wear sox.