

Ava was in the pool when she heard a gunshot from afar she immediately jumped out of the pool and run to her car but her car was locked she tried hitting the window wouldn't budge while trying the gunshot became closer and finally the door opened, the minute she sat down to drive someone out of nowhere covered here eyes and hit her Head with a bat, she fell down on the car seat . The person in the back tied her legs and mouth with tape and kept her in the back of the trunk,he locked it and made sure no one was looking at him, when the coast was clear he entered the driver seat and sarted driving into an abandoned warehouse,he stop the car in an abandoned place and came out.He came out and opened the trunk and brought her out. Suddenly a mysterious man steps out of the dark and asked for a Gun. The person holding Ava dropped her and brought out a gun from his pocket and gave him.
The mysterious man took the gun and ava,he tied her chair waited for her to wake up.
After a few hours she finally woke up feeling dizzy and saw two men standing in front of her .
The Man who tied her in the car revealed himself as Ben, while the mysterious man revealed himself as
Ava was shocked but before she could reply they took her into a dusty room and locked it.
Ava was shocked and started talking to herself until the door cracked open,Ava turns her head up and saw Chris pointing his gun at her.
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