

Sol and Luna
For my husband

Long ago, before light and dark became form and function, the universe was dense and lonely. It existed in an aimless litany of nothingness. Eons would pass as quickly as minutes. The universe existed, but it was not alive. Without cause or reason, a small blue orb began to flicker into being. As it was unprecedented, the universe had no law to govern how it should react to such and event. So it didn’t react at all. It watched and it waited. Over time (eons or minutes, who can say?) the tiny blue orb began to grow. As its brilliance intensified, everything its glow touched became alive and new. Everything it touched was brilliant and beautiful. The universe watched as this spark ignited an ancient existence into life.

As this light grew, other sparks ignited, but none as brilliant as the first, the sun. Drawn to its life-giving force, planets began to circle the sun. The closer the planets circled the sun the more dramatic the color on the planet’s face. The light was beautiful. Yet the universe noted a strange phenomenon. As the light’s intensity grew so, too, did the shadows - the places not touched by the sun’s light. The universe also noted that, tucked behind a larger planet, was a smaller, dark planet. This smaller, dark planet seemed different from the other planets. It was shy and melancholy. It, unlike all of the other planets, seemed to want to stay in the shadows, away from the brilliance of the sun. The universe wondered if the little planet feared the sun. So the universe asked the little planet why it was not drawn to the sun like all the others.

The little planet replied, “My name is moon. I love the sun, I do, but there is life in the dark. They cling to the shadows like the life in the light clings to the sun’s rays. I long to bask in the glory of the sun, but I cannot leave this life alone, without hope, without beauty.”

And so it was for time unmeasured. The sun held the light while the moon held the darkness. Over the course of time, the sun grew weary of unending brilliance and noticed an emptiness growing within him. So, too, did the moon grown weary of shadow and noticed an emptiness growing within her. While the sun yearned for the peace of the shadows, the moon longed to feel the warmth of the sun. The sun and the moon fell into a deep depression and, with time, became scarcely aware of their own existence. The universe fell quiet and sullen.

Empty and alone, the moon began to lose hope and purpose. She loved the life of the dark, but no longer felt strong enough to watch over it. She knew she would cease to be if she didn’t do something. So, in one dark and desperate moment, the moon decided to leave the shadows and peak around the planet. She had to feel the embrace of the sun, even if just for a moment. As the universe watched the moon’s surrender, something beautiful happened. As the sun, longing for the peace of darkness, looked up he saw a new bloom of light begin to grow. It was unlike anything he had ever seen. It was like some deep nebula had suddenly become alive. Like a black hole becoming a brilliant beacon. The moon, alive with the iridescent reflection of the sun, opened her eyes. It was more beautiful than she had even dared to imagine. As the moon looked around at her new surroundings, she noticed the life of the shadow began to change. Sandy white beaches glowed with the light she was reflecting. Tiny dots of light began to blink into being in the darkness of summer forests. A deep passion and peace had replaced the melancholy fear. The moon had reflected the sun’s glory to the deepest shadows of the planet.

As the two, Sun and Moon, came into focus before the other for the first time the sun and moon gazed upon each other for the first time. A love, hidden behind fear and shadow for time unrelenting, was born. No words needed be spoken, for both understood the other without question. For the sun’s brilliance could only truly be felt among the deepest shadows and the sacred peace of the night could only be felt through the moon’s reflection of the sun. They needed each other and were finally complete.

Their love has echoed through time and space as the warmth of the sun on your skin and in the symphony of fireflies on a warm summer night. Their undying embrace is remembered each time a foot print is left upon a moonlit sandy beach or a child laughs in the summer sun. In this way their love will never die, it will burn forever.
© Nikkia4Fun