

The magical Garden(chapter 3)
It was night. Lilith had to sleep early so she went to her room, closed the lights and layed on her bed. Mathew was already asleep. Lilith closed her eyes but suddenly heard a girl screaming. She stood up and looked arround. The voice was coming from inside her closet. Then she heard the same screaming and decided to go check. Scared and confused she started walking slowly to the closet. "I-I-Is anyone here...?". No reply. Then she knocked on the closet and felt someone was behind her. She could see a man's(maybe) shadow on the wall. Then the shadow dissapeared and Lilith looked behind her. "Who was that?" she thought"It cannot be Mathew! He is sleeping...Dad? No,no he is...somewhere...But I know it can't be dad!". Then she walked silently outside her room and checked all of the rooms. In her brother's room her brother was sleeping and in the other rooms there was not anybody. She sighed "Maybe I am imagining things...". Then she returned in her room...but the closet was open...Lilith started freaking out. She closed the closet but...Her brother woke up and went to check on his sister cause he heard the closet's closing loud sound. He saw Lilith stood up next to the closet. "WHY AREN'T YOU SLEEPING?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" he shouted. No response cause Lilith was afraid to speak about all that. She just said"s-sorry..." and layed on her bed. Mathew sighed and walked back to his room. Lilith couldn't easily sleep. After 2 hours they were both sleeping.
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