

Complete a story - Prompt29
I ran all the way home from the ground. The older boys had beaten me up good but I still had the strength to run as far as I could from them.
I knew my mother would be the next one to thrash me for getting beaten up, which was ironical, if you know what I mean. But I had no choice. I couldn't tell her the real reason the boys picked on me.
You see, I was always the shy kid at school - It's like a silly reputation I have in school.
My mom has always wanted me to "toughen" up and be more like a man.
Your average guy would be strong, brave and confident? Well, not me, obviously.
I cower at the sight of danger.
I jump at practically anything.
I cry during confrontations and this is not a pretty sight.
I've tried so hard to change myself but it just wouldn't work.
I guess I should just embrace the saying: "Be Yourself'.
But how can I, when everyone bullies and reprimands me for who I truly am?

Even if I could, I doubt anyone would think of me as a different person.
Why? Because deep down, they all know the real me.
I'm the shy kid.
Sadly, nothing can ever change that.
(Dear reader, you can continue this story that I've written here if you want to for inspiration purposes.
You can also continue my other short stories such as this.
But don't forget to credit me, alright.

© Writer/happythoughts