

if you ever fall down don't cry!
If you are in a bad place in your life there is always hope when there is no hope. If you feel or depressed try to think of the happiest place it places that you rather be. if you feel Like killing your self don't call or talk to someone. if you feel like hitting someone don't it may not be their fault. if you are in debt don't Robb or.beat up people for money ask for help, I am sure someone or people will help you on the way. if you feel like running away from your problems don't talk it out running Way doesn't do any good. if you feel like just crawling in a hole and just dying don't I am sure that someone cares for you. Girls and women if you ever have someone who tells you that you aren't pretty or beautiful just remember that you are beautiful and someone will love you and will see you for you and no one else
© Ronnie lee gill Jr.