

Rise Up And Shine
"Ciara , Ciara " Ciara's mum Beverly shouted from downstairs calling Ciara to get ready for her singing competition .
Ciara ran downstairs like a cheetah saying "Mum you don't need to worry I won't be late , I have 2 hrs 30min for the competition to start".
"You're in the finals now , you have to really work hard and try your best , especially with that grumpy girl as your opponent" Beverly said with pure sincerity.
"Mom her name is not grumpy girl her name is Mackenzie , and you don't need to worry"Ciara said as she finished her breakfast and got up to go.
"I wish you the best and I love you, don't worry your dad will be there" Beverly said with tears in her eyes as she hugged Ciara.
"Bye Mom " Ciara said as she pulled away from the hug and left .
Ciara had already gone to school when she met her boyfriend Matthew kissing her opponent Mackenzie .
"Matthew how dare you " Ciara said as she pulled Matthew away from Mackenzie and gave him a hot slap.
"How dare you slap my boyfriend " Mackenzie shouted as she slapped Ciara and pushed her to the ground.
"I'm sorry Ciara but I don't love you anymore , I think Mackenzie is my type you know"Matthew said in a low voice .
"By the way i know you will definitely lose the competition so just drop out because I don't think losers like you can win anything " Mackenzie was saying as she was interrupted by an enraged and hurt Ciara that pushed her away and got up saying "I won't and what will you do " . "Girls beat this loser up until she knows what I can do" Mackenzie said as her gang pushed Ciara to the ground and started to beat Ciara.
"See you later loser" Mackenzie said as she and Matthew left because the competition had started . When it was Ciara's time they called for her meanwhile at the back of the school she was lashed , slapped and being beaten up mercilessly then she remembered the tears in her mother's eyes suddenly she got up with all the strength she had in her and got up and beat the gang mercilessly almost killing them .
"Since the other opponent is not here I thereby announce Ma"The Jugde was saying as he was interrupted by an hurt and enraged Ciara who said "Stop I will sing ".
As she sang the crowd was amazed by her voice , After she sang , The Jugde announced "The winner of this competition is Ciara ". Ciara jumped up in happiness forgetting all the pain which later came to her . She then ran to hug her dad and mom after she collected the price , "Dad , Mom I won " she said as she hugged them .
"We know and we are proud of you " They said as they all cried.
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