

Inbox scandal
Single was I looking for companionship. Food be the tantalizing of senses... I met a chef.
Pictures of dishes created passed back and forth became daily conversation.

Guy kicked in as the suitor had something to hide. No ring was on finger but the mark of female energy prompted a search.

Upon looking for the intuition a familiar face came into view and I reached out. She explained her difficulty and I told her of conversation. I became inadvertently... therapist.. to both parties.

Then a notification came... They had split after yrs of communication. I looked for the jilted but to no avail. And in anger.. cut off the party that started the feud... glad I did. You hurt my sister/friend.

The last I knew was pain of your betrayal to jilted. You can never take that back.. Prayers for little minds taking of spite. They needed her more.. but past was held against jilted.

You caused more pain.

© Evone GoddessLegba Payton Banks