

Love Infinite (23)
Episode 23 :- Past Connections

Previously Shanaya fires three chairpersons of her company Singhal Empire. She calls Mr. Agarwal her acquaintance who was being bribed by them who himself informed about it.

Mr. Agarwal :- Hello Shaurya and Saksham.
Shaurya :- Hi...
Saksham :- Hey! You here?
Mr. Agarwal :- Oh! Abhimanyu you are also here? Hello. what's up?
Abhimanyu :- Hello sir, all well. hopefully you are doing well too.
He smiled at Abhimanyu and went to Shanaya. He told everyone about Meenakshi Vishwas And Rajeev who offered him their business proposal. They were all shocked. Shaurya and Saksham thanked him and appreciated his help. Abhimanyu too appreciated his ethical values. Shanaya fired them all. Viaan was also there, he called his team and arrested them all. He took his leave saying that lets meet at party.
Abhimanyu had brought a gift for her and Shanaya too. They gifted each other but not in the mansion near his car. They exchanged their gifts and thanked each other. He checked her gift and loved the watch saying that it would suit his personality very well. She also loved the bracelet that he had bought for her. They both thanked each other and said to each other that they both know each other's choice well.
Abhimanyu :- Every time we gift each other we always bring the best.
Shanaya :- You are right. Whenever I go out if I find something nice which reminds me of you I buy it and gift you.
Abhimanyu :- Same goes by me but this gift is very special.
Shanaya :- Yeah! Thank you so much.
She noticed the heart pattern on the note. She liked it. She smiled at him. He also smiled at her lovingly. She then went back to her den. They both reached their homes and rested for a while. Shanaya went to her dressing and saw the ring which was gifted to her by her childhood friend whom she loved a lot but never got a chance to tell. She saw the ring and felt bad that she's being so silly. She can't get close to Abhimanyu like this. This isn't right. She had decided to find her friend and that to tell him how she felt. Even she had gifted that boy a ring. They both loved each other, but then they were separated from each other. She was just 15 then. She always used to wear that ring but once years ago when she was in a party she lost that ring, she looked for it for very long but couldn't find it and cried a lot. Her father couldn't see her cry so terribly and searched for the ring. Her uncle bought the whole hotel and asked his guards to spread out in the entire hotel. Then she finally got that ring after that she didn't wear that ring, she just kept it with her always as it made her feel that her friend whose name was Abhi was with her. She got dressed in the dress Abhimanyu gifted her but wore that ring as well. That ring was very unique and beautiful. She was looking very beautiful and gorgeous today. She said to herself that she has everyone with her today but just Abhi is not there. On the other hand, Abhimanyu was getting ready, he also had a ring which gifted to him by his love Shanu years ago. He always kept that ring in his wallet in order to prevent it from losing it. He had once heard about an incident where a girl which was actually shanaya who lad lost her ring and had cried terribly as that ring was so special to her. He didn't want to lose that ring as when he saw her state he felt very much sorry for her so he kept it in his wallet but decided to wear it today. They both were ready and left for the venue.
Abhimanyu reached the venue, he greeted Singhals. The party environment was very pretty. The room was arranged for a ball dance as well. Shanaya's name was announced and she was called. She walked in from the main door with her team. Everyone there was mesmerized by her beauty, her father and uncle noticed Abhimanyu who was lost in her looks. She went to the stage and addressed everyone. Then she came down and greeted the business associates. She stood next to her father. Many senior business associates came with their sons to set alliance with Shanaya while her father kept on rejecting which surprised Shanaya as usually he used to recommend it to Shanaya but not this time. Abhimanyu came to her and greeted her well. He complimented her and she returned the complimented to him too. Both of them had remembered their long lost love and that's why they felt awkward and wanted to stay away from each other but unexpectedly they became close to each other every time they avoided each other in party. Later on, while shanaya was walking away from him and he also wanted to go away but then he went out of the party hall to use restroom. He washed his face again and again and looked in the mirror.
Abhimanyu :- When you know that your heart belongs to her, no matter how much you are avoiding her you get near her then why can't you accept that you love her ? It's in my fate to meet her. The way we met each other was because of fate, mum had asked me to get back home early but I got a meeting scheduled with an international client late at night which was originally scheduled in next week. Let's check for one more time. I will be away from her, let's see if I meet her or not. There will be a ball dance let's see there.
Shanaya was looking for him. She saw him coming, he stood far from her. She became upset that he was standing away from her but then she said to herself that it was her initially who wanted to avoid him then why is she feeling bad now. What's this Confusion with me? When I am with him, I feel the same like I used to feel with Abhi. The way he used to share his feelings and the way he used to console me whenever Indra used to torture me was similar to how Abhimanyu shares his feelings with me and the way he consoled me when GM harassed me. But still Abhi and Abhimanyu are different, I don't want to lose Abhimanyu like I lost Abhi. Let Fate decide our story. If we are destined to meet each other and be with each other we will.

#destiny #fate #love #lovevsdestiny

© Bhoomish