

The Abomination: Introduction

To understand this story, you must first understand this world.
It consists of four realms: Enu, Ogwu, Dras, and Zruch. Long ago, they all lived without knowledge of each other.

The Enu realm was in the northern part of the world map. The kingdom was built on air, and it was the most powerful of all realms. It had class levels where the people stayed. Those of the lowest class resided on the lowest level, close to the earth. They were of the poorest class and were often given the worst jobs.

The middle level hosted the middle class, where those who were neither poor nor rich stayed. They were close to the clouds, several feet higher than the lowest level. They worked simple jobs and made enough money for themselves and their families. Most wished to reside in the highest level of the enu realm, where the nobles or those with power resided. They were taught the basics of magic and, due to their status, couldn't be taught any more than that. Those with potential were fished out by masters at the highest levels and were trained to work for their supreme lord. Some families saved enough to send their children to the highest level. It was a thing of pride for the families when their children resided with nobles, and they all had hope that one day, the child would bring them there.

The highest level resided above the clouds. There, the rich and the powerful stayed. It was where their capital city was built, and it housed the fortress of their supreme lord. They were the ones with the highest magic powers.
All the people of this realm had wings. The wings easily showcased the class of people; the poor had small wings, the middle class had average-sized wings, and the rich had huge wings. They could increase their size if they practiced their magic powers well, but only a few had achieved that since the knowledge was limited. The most powerful of them had the power to conjure and hide their wings at will. It was an act that showcased their power and warned others that they should not be treated lightly.
The supreme lord paraded himself as a god, and people bowed to him wherever he went.

The Ogwu realm is located on the eastern part of the world map. Unlike the people of the enu realm, they only practice magic related to plants. Their bodies do not have the makeup required to practice any other type of magic. They are born with a particular plant essence upon their birth, and once they have reached the age of eight, their birth plant is tattooed on their faces. There are different types of plant essence people have; some have the power to create aromas, some for beautification, and others for healing. Those who practice herbalism have the highest honor, as they all believe that plants save and make happy.

On the other hand, those born with the essence of a poisonous plant are outcasted in the realm. They go against everything the others believe. The Ogwu realm sincerely detests the taking of life, and poisonous plants stand exactly for that. Except for cases where poison is needed to aid someone's health, no one likes to associate with them. Because of this, those with poison essence formed a sect far from the others in the realm.

They have a supreme lord, who also resides in their capital. He is the bridge that connects the people to their earth goddess. They all believe that those born with poison essence had been evil in their previous life, and so they were cursed by their goddess in their present life.

The Dras realm is located in the southern part of the map. They are the weakest in all the realms, having little to no power. Those who have a considerable amount of magic are known as the elite. Their lives are almost simple; they carry out their day-to-day activities without relying much on magic.

The Zruch realm is the last of them all. Located in the western part of the map, they are a unique group of people. Their powers lay in the darkness, so they had all their activities at night. During the day, they were powerless, making them not so different from the people of Dras.

They are firm believers in black magic, but they regulate it to prevent people from going astray. Some black magic arts are forbidden and could only be practiced by certain people. They do not have class levels, but their leaders are accorded the respect they deserve.

They could easily be identified by their black irises, and they worship the god and goddess of the night.
Each realm has its hierarchy, starting from the supreme lord, the ruler of the realm. Next comes the Overseer, who is in charge of a particular part of the realm. There are four Overseers, each in charge of either the eastern, western, northern, or southern part of a realm. After they are the Lords. They are in charge of a particular city under any part of the realm. Lastly are the Barons, who are in charge of a town under a city.

Ages ago, a powerful magician from the Enu realm found that there were other realms outside his. For years, he sought ways by which he would be able to open an entrance into the neighboring realms. Finally, after so many trials, he was able to create one.

Hence began the reign of inter-realm travels.

The Enu realm discovered the other realms, and with their help, the other realms also discovered their neighbors. They all began to associate with each other, traveling from one realm to another. It wasn't an action that could be done by most, though. Only the privileged and powerful could travel freely between realms.
Peace reigned amongst them despite their differences, and all was well.

That is until fate struck.

© Naomi Obasi

*Hey guys! I am back. It's been a long time since I posted on this platform. This is my current WIP (which sadly, would not be completed here.) I would post two to three extra chapters of this later, and if you are interested in reading more, please leave your comments below. Thank you! 😊