The Hopping Rabbit
One bright and sunny day Jack the bunny watched by the front entry as his older siblings hopped to school. He always watched eagerly as they hopped out and hopped back daily, knowing that one day would be his chance to lead his own respective daily hop.
In the Bunny culture, the bunny with the highest and fastest hop was considered to be among the most elite. Everybody wanted to be associated with those who were among the most elite. Jack was already associated by relation. All he had to do was pass his first level of school entry tests.
"This will be a piece of cake." He thought, while watching his siblings return home the afternoon of his last Friday before the placement practice week.
"Come practice your hop with me, little bro," said Jack's older brother, Josh.
"I don't need to practice, Josh," said Jack. "It's already in my blood!"
All of Jack's older siblings laughed.
"What's in your blood, little one? Carrot juice?" Josh replied, still tickled by his little brother's nievity.
Josh and his other siblings already took the school entry test and passed with flying colors. They also had a rigorous practice schedule to adhere to before their first try. Their Papa Rabbit made sure of it!
Now though, because their father is older and a little less strict on the baby bunny, Jack, he hasn't had any practice time. This worries all of the older siblings, as it's been a continued tradition for all baby bunnies to train for at least 2 weeks prior to the placement practice week. Yet, here it is the week of and Jack hasn't even looked at any obstacle courses.
"We needed to get you started two weeks ago," said their sister, Janet. "You are way behind!"
"I am a...
In the Bunny culture, the bunny with the highest and fastest hop was considered to be among the most elite. Everybody wanted to be associated with those who were among the most elite. Jack was already associated by relation. All he had to do was pass his first level of school entry tests.
"This will be a piece of cake." He thought, while watching his siblings return home the afternoon of his last Friday before the placement practice week.
"Come practice your hop with me, little bro," said Jack's older brother, Josh.
"I don't need to practice, Josh," said Jack. "It's already in my blood!"
All of Jack's older siblings laughed.
"What's in your blood, little one? Carrot juice?" Josh replied, still tickled by his little brother's nievity.
Josh and his other siblings already took the school entry test and passed with flying colors. They also had a rigorous practice schedule to adhere to before their first try. Their Papa Rabbit made sure of it!
Now though, because their father is older and a little less strict on the baby bunny, Jack, he hasn't had any practice time. This worries all of the older siblings, as it's been a continued tradition for all baby bunnies to train for at least 2 weeks prior to the placement practice week. Yet, here it is the week of and Jack hasn't even looked at any obstacle courses.
"We needed to get you started two weeks ago," said their sister, Janet. "You are way behind!"
"I am a...