

Never Regretted
I'm not afraid, and have never regretted once the choice I made many years ago to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. I wouldn't recommend the awful experience to anyone.
What scares me more is the current movement by some radicalists trying to move Science and Freedom of Choice backwards.

I have survived several attempts on my life since the age of 4. I have survived an attempted drowning, abandonment, sexual assaults, rapes, and beatings meant to snuff out my life. I have walked away from situations in my life, leaving absolutely everything behind but my child and the shirt on my back numerous times.
I have struggled to rise above it all, a single mother, an apartment of my own, no transportation except a bicycle with a child seat on the back, working full time at a Jack in the Box and enrolled in college.

I had a new boyfriend that an acquaintance introduced me to. He turned out to be a severe alcoholic, unpredictable and growingly dangerous...and although I was on Contraceptives I found myself pregnant in the 2nd year of college.

With current Climate Change, Global overpopulation, Pollution, and so much ignorance in the world I have never once regretted my decision. I'm puzzled as to why people think that it's perfectly fine to artificially enhance creating life when trying to conceive, yet take a stance of absolutes against artificially terminating it. Scientifically it makes no sense.

Thank goodness it was legal and safe, performed in a clinic by competent professionals at the time. With all I have survived in my life, it would have been a very sad situation if I had perished at the hands of someone not knowing what they were doing, or worse at 9 weeks gestation. What is it that drives the ignorant, uneducated, backwards radicals to think they can choose one part of science over another and honestly believe they are right in doing so? Do they not see the bigger picture? The very last thing I would have needed back then, would have been to be forced to quit my education and have an unwanted child with a genetic predisposition to alcoholism. I wish people would look at things on a larger scale. The current politics, current environmental pollution and policies, the continued and permanent disappearing of individual and intricately laced species in our world, screams to slow down procreation and take larger global matters under scrutiny, at the very least.
Pro lifers need to go back to school. We as a race of Human beings need to stop picking and choosing beliefs that are polarized, realize that all lives matter instead of one vs another regardless of race or species. Educate ourselves enough to rise above differences of opinions and respect each other, as well as our world and all it's wonders.
No one deserves to be bought and sold. No one deserves to have life altering decisions made for them. We must reach a place of Peace and respect for ALL. It's simply ignorant not to.