

Chapter 3
He put her on the chair and explained all what happened to her.
Being a smart girl, she quickly understood and promised to help him uncover the truth.

He looked at his stats again and thought to himself, "I'm still weak. I can't afford to get myself killed. I'll sew if I can see a small hive to attack."

"Do you have a map of this City", he asked, adjusting the hood on his head.
She looked around for a while and handed him a map. The paper looks kinda old but it properly detailed the location.

** Ding! **
Map Unlocked.

He put the map down and focused for a while until he saw a better version of the map in his mind with details of the streets, hive and strike team.
"Awesome", he mumbled and added, "I have something to do. Don't leave this place. I'll be back in a while" he said and exited to the top floor of a sky scraper.

He ran and jumped up using an air dash, he landed on another building until he got to a hive. The creatures were roaming around and there was only little military focus.

He quickly manifested both claws. An hunter, a bigger symbiotic breed came running towards him immediately it sighted him on the rooftop.

"Good luck", he said grinning.
He dodged sideways as the hunter punched towards him. He slashed at leg of the hunter. Blood spewed out of its leg. The hunter screeched as it lunged towards him. A barrage of fists kept Alex was occupied as kept trying to block the fists. A fist hit him and pushed him back. He held onto the floor with the aid of the symbiotic tendrils.
As the hunter flew towards him again, he studied it's movement and leaped to meet it in the air. He raised a claw upwards as he jumped thrusting it into the gut of the hunter. Blood flowed everywhere as the hunter fell downwards lifeless.

** Ding! * Ding!! * Ding!!! **

Power unlocked : Hammerfists, Thermal Vision, Shield. Tendril Barrage
Skills unlocked : Groundspike, Hammerfists Knockdown, Knuckle Shockwave.
Stats Increment ( Unlocked )
Exp Points : 1,230xp

He jumped up immediately and spread his arms sideways, tendrils came out from his arm and joined with his abdomen like a wing and he glided slowly in the air.
After some seconds he finds a place with many infected, but weak people. He plunged downwards with all his might. As he was just about to hit the floor, he turned and used his leg to hit the floor, creating a large shockwave that killed nearby enemies and injured nearby enemies.

Without giving any of them to recover, he clawed his way out through the wave of infected.
Everytime the claw was swung, an infected will fall down, lifeless.
After a while the infected in the area were all killed.
"This must be my lucky d...", before he could complete his sentence, an hunter slightly bigger than the rest punched him from the back. He hit the wall of the building in front.

"A leader?. But this looks quite smaller than a leader. It might still be in the evolution stage. I have to get out of here.", he shouted and started running along the surface of the building.
The half-leader also followed suit and was running along the walla of the building, even faster than Alex.
Alex looked downwards and was shocked to see it gaining on him. He concentrated all his power into his leg and leaped upwards.
He abruptly turned downwards and plunged himself downwards with the claw. The half-leader blocked with its arms. Blood spills out of its arms as claw marks some centimeters deep were left on its hand. He used the half-leader's body as a leverage to leap higher then he plunged his foot into it's face. It fell down and left a huge dent in the floor.
The half-leader quickly got up and growled. It's wound were regenerating very quickly.

After it finished growling, five hunter jumped out from different places and joined the leader by its side.
Things are about to get rough.

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