

hush time..
one lovely evening, i had an great opportunity to ssnatch my guy for date , from all his business and responsibilities.
everything was planned. but suddenly it felt usual.i thought i was the only one in this mode, but he too came frankly as something usual and same.
we had nothing to say. everything was already done and even the dating plan was like going to spots that we already explored.
it was so dead silent. i felt anxious and thought like what should i do and say to my guy.
then the weather became dull and it started to rain. time ran by like more than half an hour, we didnt say even a word to each other. i searched my brain for a new topic. it became blank exactly when i need it. there were times even my guy becomes tired of my chatting, such a mouth always overflown with topics in my mind box.
I gazed around to find something to do or speak, but he found it obvious like i was tensed.
he didnt utter a single word and just watched all my kicking the floor, plucking leafs, throwing away tiny stones.
but still after all this it was not enough, i even uttered some words which didnt go as natural.
After seeing the whole initiation, he just took my hand, made me sit in door steps.
he said "lets stay like this sometime ..."
"even this silence is also good"
he cuddled my hair with his tough fingers...
made me lean on his shoulder....
i clamped my fingers with him.
its like lovely silence too was also needed sometimes. that way we felt so relaxed and calm. And we let our love for eachother speak instead of words.
His hands just grazed my palms mildly, it was a sweet touch on that rainy evening.
let all our emotions flow with time, which also is a good memory in our love story now!

© ruby¤nithi