

Fight the good fight
I ran all the way home from the ground. The older boys had beaten me up good but I still had the strength to run as far as I could from them.
I knew my mother would be the next one to thrash me for getting beaten up, which was ironical, if you know what I mean. But I had no choice. I couldn't tell her the real reason the boys picked on me... It's always a problem when you had to tell your mom how it happened obviously you know you were the one that started the whole thing and when you saw it coming you ran away far away, but as a girl you have to fight for yourself even if you'll be beaten up badly the only thing you have to do is fight for yourself prove to everyone that you can't be taken advantage of, prove to everyone that you are a fighter and that you'll fight even though you end up loosing as long as you left a mark for those boys to remember the fight they had with you.
