

Success doesn't come from comfort zone
There was a girl, Garima, she lives in a small town and at the age of 3 year, she lost her father. Her financial condition was poor and her mother was not educated as well neither she knows anything about the society which treats poor as not a part of there life and consider them as animals. But for feeding her child she have to earn money so she decided to do household work so that she can feed her daughter and pay her school fees because she wants her daughter to make her pride.

She wants her daughter to study and want her in a very high position. Can you even imagine a women who is uneducated, lost her husband who is the only person in her family who earns money and wants her daughter to study and become successful in life? She had a vision, and vision turns into reality, She used to wash the utensils and clothes so that she can collect some money for the expenses of her daughter studies.

While she was working in a police man house his wife saw her daughter and ask her to wash some dirty clothes because her son wants to wear those clothes for party but her mother denied and ask her to go back to home and tell the wife of police man that her daughter will not wash any one’s clothes, she will study and one day she’ll appoint servants who’ll do all the things in her house and left the house immediately because for her self respect is everything.

When her daughter entered 12th class her daughter followed the vision of her mother and study harder and harder so that she can achieve her goal that is to become rich and do a respectable job in the Society and she passed her 12th standard with flying colors and also passed IAS examination and now they are living in city and she has more than 7-8 servants in her house she made her late father and mother proud.

I hope this story will definitely inspires you because success doesn’t come from comfort zone just put yourself out of your comfort zone and just see the changes. Success will never come to you directly but yes if you work on a daily basis with full enthusiasm. Success will one day catch you and might be someone writes your story and potrait it and for that be yourself don’t copy others because you know what you are?what a disaster you are?you are a volcano full of fire it is the right time to show your fire.
Thanking you