

Love is a fart
Love is the fart in everyone’s heart. When held in doth pain the host, but when released pains others most.
Love is beautiful. Love can get ugly. Love can be tiresome. Love can be lovely. Love is fire. Love is ice. love is nasty. love is nice. Love is black. Love is white. love is daytime. Love is night. Love is trust. Love is a lie. Love is lust. Love is to die. There are things we love to hate and things we hate to love. Love is honesty. Love is deception. Love is grand. Love is an exception. Love is feeble. Love is good. Love is evil. Love is misunderstood. Love is every day. Love is sublime. Love is rare. Love is once in a life time. Love is darkness. Love is light. Love is acceptance. Love is spite. Love kills. Love saves. Love is freedom. Love is brave. Love is a burden. Love is an angel. Love is a demon. Love is a stranger. Love is a disappointment. Love is a savior. Love is doing. Love is behavior. Love is happiness. Love is a relief. Love is a challenge. Love is grief. Love is miniscule. Love is large. Love takes orders. Love is in charge. Love is dangerous. Love is hard. Love is easy. Love is a bard. Love is a philosopher. Love is a writer. Love is a poet. Love is a fighter. Love is forever. Love is an instant. Love is a feeling. Love is a commitment. Love is a touch. Love is giving some space. Love is a smile. Love is a face. Love is cold. Love is warm. Love is comfort. Love can harm. Love is eternal. Love is fleeting. Love is sacrifice. Love is bleeding. Love is a gentle breeze. Love is a hurricane. Love is lucid. Love is insane. Love is a rain storm. Love is sunshine. Love is yours. Love is mine. Love is the first step. Love is a journey. Love is teaching. Love is learning. Love is giving. Love can take. Love is real. Love is fake. Love is falling. Love can soar. Love is a whisper. Love is a roar. Love is war. Love is peace. Love is a hang up. Love is a release. Love is a body, love is a soul. Love comes in handy. love takes its toll. Love is a given. Love is a miss. Love is horrible. Love is bliss. Love is a family. Love is a child. Love is tame. Love is wild. Love is new. Love is old. Love is meek. Love is bold. Love can cut. Love can heal. Love is a gift. Love can steal. Love is healthy. Love is sick. Love is up front. Love is slick. Love is compassion. Love is hate. Love is spontaneous. Love is fate. Love can nurture. Love can wound. Love is too late. Love comes to soon. Love is a friend. Love is a pet. Love is forgiveness. Love is regret. Love is normal. Love is strange. Love is the same. Love is change. Love is a solider. Love is a battle. Love keeps a secret. Love can tattle. Love is a mountain. Love is a cave. Love is the master. Love is the slave. Love is the earth . love is the sky. Love holds you down. Love lets you fly. Love is a sister. Love is a whore. Love is after. Love is before. Love is finding. Love is lost. Love is summer. Love is frost. Love is a vision. Love is a sound. Love is silly. Love is profound. Love is a winner. Love is a cheat. Love is missing. Love is complete. Love is keeping it together. Love is falling apart. Love is music. Love is art, love is a disease. Love is the cure. Love is stubborn. Love is unsure. Love is a calling. Love has a voice. Love is inevitable. Love is a choice. Love is a river. Love is a stream. Love is a nightmare. Love is a dream. Love is scary. Love is content. Love is earned. Love is spent. Love is a critic. Love is a cook. Love is a wink. Love is a look. Love is mad. Love is crazy. Love is busy. Love is lazy. Love is confusing. Love makes sense. Love is a home. Love is a fence. Love is caring. Love is cruel. Love is wise. Love is a fool. Love is forever. love is gone in a flash. Love is stable. Love is rash. Love is a memory. Love is a thought. Love catches you. Love gets caught. Love is a virtue. Love is a feast. Love is beauty. Love is a beast. Love is empty. Love is full. Love can push. Love can pull. Love is the stars. Love is the moon. Love is a genius. Love is a loon. Love is quick. Love is slow. Love is high. Love is low. Love shows you mercy. Love makes you beg, love is wine glass. Love is a keg. Love is a party. Love is a toast. Love is a parasite. Love is a host. Love is a criminal. Love is a cop. Love gets you going . Love tells you stop. Love is the beginning. Love is the end. Love is a mystery. Love is a friend. Love is a crime. Love is the law. Love is blessing. Love is a flaw. Love is the heart. Love is the mind. Love can be ruthless. Love can be kind. Love is forgiveness. Love is revenge. Love is a forest. Love is the edge. Love is shallow. Love is deep. Love is awake. Love is asleep. Love is annoying. Love is soothing. Love stands still. Love is moving. Love is close. Love is too far. Love is a road trip. Love is a car. Love is a shaman. Love is a mystic. Love is far-fetched. Love is realistic. Love is illusion. Love is a trick. Love is a lock. Love is the pick. Love is a snuggle. Love is a hug. Love keeps you going. Love pulls your rug. Love is holy. Love is a sin. Love forces you out. Love pulls you in. love is tender. Love is harsh. Love is a given. Love is a farce. Love is a trophy. Love is a prize. Love is common. Love is surprise. Love a goal. Love puts up a fight. Love is timid. Love is might. love is the strong. Love is the weak. Love you can find. Love you can seek. Love is work. Love is a game. Love is different. Love is the same. Love is a mission. Love is fun. Love is lost. Love is won. Love is the future. Love is the past. Love is miserable. Love is a blast. Love is contemporary. Love is nostalgic. Love is nonsense. Love is logic. Love is serious. Love is magic. Love is safe. Love is tragic. Love is the answer. Love is a mistake. Love can give. Love can forsake. Love is a concept .love is a word. Love can be silent. Love can be heard. Love is a whimper. Love is a shout. Love is long gone .love is about. Love is a chess match. Love is a chore. Love is intense. Love is a bore. Love is a reflection. Love is a mirror. Love is frightening . love is fear. Love is together. Love is apart. Love is a moron. Love is smart. Love is brilliant. Love is dim. Love has a plan. Love is a whim. Love is the prairie. Love is the sea. Love is a flower. Love is the bee. Love is a doorway. Love is a shock. Love is quicksand. Love is a rock. Love is a process. Love can be built. Love can flourish. Love can wilt. Love is the last cookie. Love is the first bite. Love can be wrong. Love can be right. Love is an adventure. Love is a hunt. Love can be shy. Love can be blunt. Love can linger. Love can fade. Love can be sculpted. Love is handmade. Love is an attic. Love is a room. Love can bring joy. Love can bring doom. Love is a handshake. Love is a deal. Love is hunger. Love is a meal. Love is a promise. Love is a pact. Love is a performance. Love is an act. Love is recovery. Love is suicide. Love makes you run. Love make you hide. Love is a question. Love is a wish. Love is a day dream. Love is a kiss. Love is quiet. Love is loud. Love is selfish. Love is proud. Love is a problem. Love is a solution. Love is purity. Love is pollution. Love is calmness. Love is rage. Love is a prison. Love is a cage. Love is murder. Love is life. Love is a husband. Love is a wife. Love is a marriage. Love is a divorce. Love is a weakness. Love is a force. Love is simple. Love is complex. Love is a potion. Love is a hex. Love is the best, love is the worst. Love is a prayer. Love is a curse. Love is a treasure. Love is a map. Love is a bottle. Love is the cap. Love is a firm grip. Love is a ledge. Love is devotion. Love is a pledge. Love is anger. Love is hate. Love is a trap. Love is the bait. Love is private. Love is shown. Love is a growl. Love is a groan. Love is a cliché. Love is unique. Love is absurd. Love is a sneak. Love has a purpose. Love is a worry. Love takes it’s time. Love is in a hurry. Love is a drunk. Love is a slur. Love is clear. Love is a blur. Love is a road. Love is a sign. Love sets the pace. Love crosses the line. Love is a poem. Love is a song. Love is a rush. Love takes too long. Love is brutal. Love is pretty. Love is funny. Love is witty. Love is sorrow. Love is laughter. Love comes first. Love follows after. Love is amazing. Love can stink. Love can blindside you. Love makes you think. Love has an ego. Love has class. Love can be humble. Love can be crass. Love is a hero. Love is a villain. Love holds you back. Love makes you willing. Love can hinder. Love can assist. Love can be found. Love can be missed. Love is mischief. Love is a dare. Love is a romp. Love means to care. Love is longing. Love is dire. Love is rejection. Love is desire. Love picks you up. Love holds your hand. Love gets your back. Love makes a stand. Love never gives up. Love lets you slide. Love beats you up. Love toughens your hide. Love can be rude. Love can be rough. Love is nothing. Love is enough. Love is help. Love is support. Love is a castle. Love is a fort. Love is an heirloom. Love is a shield. Love is a sword. Love you can wield. Love is an arrow. Love is a knife. Love brings you harmony. Love brings you strife. Love is a bullet. Love is a gun. Love is a moment. Love steers the sun. love is at the helm. Love points the way. Love makes you leave. Love makes you stay. Love jumps through hoops. Love stacks the deck. Love holds the cards. Love makes you a wreak. Love is a gamble. Love is Russian roulette. Love beats the odds. Love is a bet. Love is surrender. Love is defeat. Love leaves you wanting. Love brings the heat. Love is a legend. Love is glory. Love is a fable. Love tells a story. Love is photo. Love is a movie. Love writes the script. Love can be groovy. Love is the gravy. Love makes its owns sauce . love is the chief. Love is the boss. Love makes the rules. Love gives directions. Love brings you closer. Love make connections. Love keep you talking. Love shuts your mouth. Love sends you up north. Love migrates you south. Love makes you wander. Love plans your vacation. Love is a broadcast, love sets the station. Love beams the signal. Love makes the static. Love is a Dj. Love is a fanatic. Love is a sport. Love picks the team. Love leaps the hurtles. Love walks the beam. Love is the dragon. Love is prince charting. Love can be sudden. Love can be alarming. Love is the spark. Love is the ember. Love can forget. Love can remember. Love is the fireplace. Love is the fuel. Love keeps on burning. Love wins the duel. Love is the explosion. Love bursts the dam. Love is a lion. Love is a lamb. Love is the treatment. Love is a tumor. Love is a gossip. Love is the rumor. Love is the spider. Love is the fly. Love makes you give up. Love gets you by. Love is the wealth. Love is the money. Love is the nectar. Love makes the honey. Love cashes the check. Love keeps the change. Love lines you up. Love keeps you in range. Love is the light bulb. Love lights the candle. Love keeps you even. Love flies off the handle. Love is the judge. Love is the verdict. Love makes mistakes. Love is not perfect. Love solders on. Love drives you ahead. Love pinches your cheek. love tucks you in bed. Love is dessert. Love is the cherry. Love makes you cautious. Love make you warry. Love is chocolate. Love is candy. Love is innocent. Love is just dandy. Love keeps your head up. Love gives you wings. Love moves you to action. Love shows you things. Love breaks down barriers. Love crumbles walls. Love runs naked. Love spray-paints the halls. Love pays the tuition. Love picks the classes. Love tends the poor. Love feeds the masses. Love destroys stigma. Love helps you see. Love is understanding. Love sets you free. Love is empathy. Love opens your eyes. Love opens your heart. Love conquers lies. Love is pain. Love is pleasure. Love is greatness. Love is hope beyond measure. Love adds up the numbers. Love sets the scale. Love weighs in the data. love helps when you fail. Love pumps you up. Love lets you succeed. Love fills in the gaps. Love helps those in need. Love unites people. Love puts you at ease. Love brings us together. Love is a breeze. Love can be yours, love can be his. Love can be hers. In the end love just is.