

Hasten wind
What will happen if I got this wish let see.......

One day I gone to the terrace. And I sat aside in a ladder. I was looking to the sky, where I saw a band of singers ,singing song for me. The birds were the singers. A while later, the leaves were rustling and the wind rushes then a beam started to glow in the aurora sky. Seems like a heaven path. A few later a fairy appeared in front of me. I got stunned and was like surprised and wonder of it.The fairy sprinkled some pixie dust on me. I just started sparkling with stars and butterflies around me. I said, hey fairy do you know me....and I got a reply, uhmm....yeah. Oh that's pretty awesome and I'm lucky to meet you.
I started flying up the sky in the hasten wind. Then the fairy outset to talk with me quiet freely. I asked her name. She said, her name is Ensley. She asked, what's the wish you want? I said, no more jealous wishes . I just wanted to be a good hearted person with no greed. And I achieve my dreams without anyone help. I seek to work hard and get my achievements. My wish is the people around me should be happy and propagate happiness and kindness among them. And each other helping with no expectations. Birds, tiny and tremendous creatures, flora and fauna making this cosmos more beautiful. We need to experience this kinda endless happiness. I feel halcyon , if all guys are being happy with no difficulties. My puppy was barking at me and I awake from my dream. I felt asleep as the birds sang its chirping song and the cool breeze made me sleep.

© @Aswini_Official