

How I feel part Two
Have you ever felt like their is a Heavy shoulder but through that pain you have to embrace it because the mixture of pain sorrow joy creates something pure. Today I went on my 3PM prayer and when we were praying wat came was my message I find peace with christ coz life is short and without him I would be dead maybe disease,disaster but through grace I live like I have more but if you would come to reality you would still believe faith,favour,grace always follow the anointed like Elijah been feed by birds. so we prayed and I repented my sins knowing where I am today its through him I have gotten this far life hea in Nairobi is harsh crimes rising day by day small children dying , others sleep on the street homeless while you sleep comfortable more food God has given you until you have much to throu away truly you should give thanks. sumtyms we become so much obsessed with something until we become a lost soul not knowing God has protected us in many ways wich even we cant see them some are interpreted through dreams, prophets.
I rem their was a time back I was stressed out no job none of my plans work sumtymz you even are afraid of yourself but it was on a friday I always go to prayers to a prophet I know he's not for material things she is true prophet we prayed and told me their was a case following me but we prayed and the holy spirit cancelled it and it got me worried believe me not the case we I was told about came from a neighbour but eventually nothing happened it all swept away and that's when I knew holy spirit do care for us seeing things for us wich we cant see or tell but through grace I knew spiritual life exists and it is working now see ur dreams it will help you guide you know where you are...
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