

Crazy Roommates, Se2 Ep3 They Both Buy A Couch Scene 1
Show TJ sitting in the brown leather recliner staring at the worn out couch. A couch with two tears and has a pattern of little pink flowers on vines. Have Danny enter through the front door and toss his keys on the counter.
"Hey TJ I was thinking about pizza. TJ what are you staring at?"
Danny asks as he walks over and tosses himself on the couch.
"It needs to go."
"What needs to go T?"
"This piece of filth! Filth!" he shutters as he barely gets the last word out of his mouth.
"Wait we agree on something?"
"Well ya look at this thing. I think grandma wants her couch back." a grin stretches over Danny's face as he let's out a small giggle.
"Ya dont try and be funny. I'm the funny one. Remember what happened at Bob's wedding?"
"I know I know. Dont speak unless I'm serious."
"Exactly! Cant wait to buy a new couch."
"Wait new? You're joking right?"
"Do I look like I am? No old couches."
"But new couches are so expensive! Why not buy used?"
"All the dirt! Dead people skin! Dog hair!"
"We can buy used. I know a guy who can clean it."
Have Danny walk over to TJ and lean over his hands on the arms of the chair.
"Expensive TJ. Its my turn for a decision."
"No it's no its not."
"Yes it is. You decided that we would buy new silver wear because of it being so old and oh ya how did you put that? Oh right "Absolutely DISCUSTING!"
"Fine!!! But stop with the jokes you're killing me!!"
Danny stands up and walks over to his bedroom.
Screen goes black
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