


There was one time when I was given strict demands to clean up the grounds around my home by one of the code enforcement agency's workers, (my respect given to this guy was greatly unsuccessful, at best. If you've ever felt with them, you know the rest.) Along with my mind telling me the odds weighed extremely heavy against any changes for the better in him, given the opportunity today, as well as, even years from now, he failed the test. His abuse of power in such a position allowing him to be able to, at will, choose anybody's home, and this use of that power to destroy a persons life for any reason, even simply by not liking that person. It sure seemed like this was the case with this big power wielding servant of the city's government with me. The guy was like a grown up that never got the chance to be the neighborhood bully, and yearned for this as a kid, so now gets paid the big dollars all grown up and doing that with which he felt was so unfair to have been cheated out of doing this years ago. My guess is that he was picking on me to make up for lost time and also my home and those living in it. Could be that he was friends of my next door neighbor that, not only wanted me and my people to move away because my neighbors were generally haters of most everyone, and having something in common that all bullys share, like dont have alot and go by the adage, "it isn't so much that i succeed in this world but more so that those around me should fail so that I look even better in my success when they fail. Ive thought long and hard about this kindred commonality between both, but all can say now is, it just doesnt matter, and all will be seen in the end.

Their ratty looking house was really trashy with old bed mattresses, old broke down ovens, fridges, along with trash and stuff too much to list strewn all around inside their fenced in back yard. They kept the flower beds trimmed up in the front of their house, as if they were the best neighbors around to be proud of bringing joy and comfort in having them around. But the parking area was cluttered with packed in together, non running older cars. Their one or two running vehicles weren't especially of the best of the chosen rides, to be sure.

My house was clean and kept up with rarely having the back or front having grass that had missed even one regular mow job ever. It almost reminded me of rendition of a house in a 1950s sitcom. It was already ready without smoothing out perfectness for the presentation at hollywood for the first scene to start in a rural neighborhood.

I had to tear down the wood shed connected to one of the two garages I had in back. It was something to do with it being an addition to the garage when it was first built of not being legal or something like that is what it was he told us. That garage was built in the 1920s when the house was built, and back then, wood fires were the common heat source. The shed stood erect that whole time with having no structural damage or wear that could be seen enough that it would be a safety hazard and was still used and useful. There was alot of wood in that shed but it all had to go along with the shed. I couldnt see paying to get rid of all that wood so we tossed it in a corner of the garage. There were chunks of already chopped wood from trees, and alot of mixed sizes of building material pieces I had saved. The wood from the torn down shed was even thrown into that garage temporarily.

It was mid summer when I opened the garage door that year. Inside, it was still pretty dimly lit even after flipping on the light switch. I casually looked around at the inside of the garage taking notice that the pile of wood was all the way to almost to where the rafters started going outwards. I saw a board that could be used for a shelf. It was smooth and looked like it was a shelf once so I brought it into the house and placed it on my bed in my room.

Later on, sometime in the early hours of the evening, I went into my bedroom and picked up the board from the garage noticed a nail sticking out of it. I also noticed that there was a semi dullish light blue light coming from the head of it. It wasn't stuck in the board too awfully deep cause I wriggled it free of its wooden imprisonment without having to use a hammer or pliers. Although, there was, one definite strange thing that happened while pulling the nail out of that board which had concerned me about it, unnerved me alot, yet it intrigued me so much that my curiosity, along with the disbelief of this situation, had caused me to test whether this was a figment of my imagination or another strange happening this time out. It became crystal clear that it wasn't my imagination soon thereafter.

First thing I did was, I went across the short hallway, just past the bathroom, and linen closet where my two cousins stayed in their room. I proceeded to tell one of them about what had happened just a minutes before, when I was interrupted by my wayward son that less than six months before hadn't seen him for twenty or so years until he had called and I excitedly insisted that he take a break from being wayward for as long as needed, and just become one of my nonpaying roomates. I started explaining to him of what had occurred starting from the beginning of it with my cousin still listening intently. When I finished this story of what I had experienced, my son went straight into my room where the board was and reached for the nail. He tried to pull it out, but it wasn't budging. He wriggled it free enough to pull on it and thought he had between his thumb and fingers. At that point, I said to him, "now open your fingers and look". I continued excitedly with, " nothing there, am I right?" He looked and saw nothing. I said to him, " now look down at the board. He looked down then up at me and that's when I said now go ahead and try again. He reached down to that nail and pulled it out for a second and his hand went right back down to the board. I said to him," see! It's exactly what happenened to me!" Then I told him that he needed to get a better grip by grabbing it just under the head of the nail with thumb and middle finger since that's the strongest gripping fingers, and pull it out. The exact same thing happened to him and me. The nail came out. I told him to put it back.

Before completely retiring for the night, I put the nail into a round metal container that held cookies once and put the lid on. It was a box for nails, screws and other fasteners and usually found in a garage.
In the morning, I woke up to seeing that same nail in that board where just before. It was inside that round tin box with a the lid on it pretty tight I had thought. I was fascinated. So now was the perfect opportunity of a lifetime for something, didnt know what that was, and nothing came to mind as to what to do while trying to capitalize on this, whatever it was, somehow.

It was bed time when the next thing I decided to try was to see if it ate food like us. I place a piece of a chocolate doughnut next to it that was about a quarter of an inch higher that the nail, and then done something like watched tv til I got sleep enough try shut lights out.

To my astonishment I saw the nail was standing over the top of that piece of doughnut that I placed next to it. It had pulled itself upwards about an eighth of an inch and was towering over the chocolate frosting. It was alive! I went out into the living room, but nobody was there to share this event with, so I went outside and done things here and there as any day went.

Sometime in the afternoon, that day, I went back to my bedroom and saw the nail still there showing itself to be bigger than that piece of dough nut and has decided to try something different I went to the freezer and grabbed a piece of ice. It was made by the icemaker in the freezer, so its shape was rectangular with a curve on one side and flat on all other sides. I placed the ice about two inches from the nail, after removing the doughnut chunk out of the way, and then began to move it towards the nail. I was shocked to where I just could not believe what happened. The ice chunk shot from my finger touching it over to one side. When the part of the ice that was about to touch the nail, the ice moved to the right or to the left away from the nail, like a magnet pushing away the same pole of another magnet. I did this again and again, over and over, withe same results. It was unreal. It just kept knocking that ice piece away from it as if it was allergic to ice. Nails have iron in them, so in a sense, it was allergic to it cause it might rust if water was introduced to its metal casing.

During the time of about two weeks, I spent alot of time in my bedroom talking to the nail and taking pictures. I noticing how it would sink back into its hole, and how its head turned light blue those times when I shined my flashlight at it to get better pictures.

Every time I entertained a visitor, the first thing I would was to show them the nail and allow them to figure out what they thought it was.

My mother came by once and saw the animated nail at play,but didnt know what to think about it. It wasn't until after the nails were gone, when I saw my mom and asked her why she didnt say anything when I shared my story with her sister one time when we went to visit her. My mom's reply was," I was scared. I didnt know what it was". Then I asked, "you did see it moving, didnt you?" She said she did.

The reason for saying, "after the nails were gone"...no it wasn't a typo; another exact same size board, with exactly the same type of finishing nail was found in the garage where I put all the wood into. The only difference was the nail was two inches farther towards the center of the board than that of the other nail, but was exactly at the same distance one way or the other when I measured both. I thought that was really strange.

The second nail didnt respond the same way at first. There was no resosponce, and was quite a bit more embedded into the board than the first nail. I took extreme precautionary measures in getting that nail from its hole so as to not damage it if I could help it. After finally getting it freed, I replaced it and immediately put the ice test into action. At first, there was no sign of life whatsoever. I kept try again and again until i said one thing to it. I said to the nail," common, i know you can move it. Your brother doesnt have any problem getting that ice cube away from him, what's your problem?" It was right then, i saw that rectangle shaped piece of ice's back end, where I was pushing from, start lifting up onto the air. It was bouncing up and down. I knew it! It was just too consequential that two identical boards with the same nails couldnt also be animate.

This story goes on to other stories that are all about them. So I'm gonna post this now and get some sleep. To be concluded.