

Out of reach pt 3
"What's up with Auntie?" I asked anxiously.
"You might be wondering why my dad hasn't shown since you arrived, well you see.....my dad HAS been busy with work but something else has also kept him occupied."
"What?" I asked again wondering of all the possible things. Then Jisoo explained that her Dad's previous wife has caused her mom a lot of trouble. "I have a half sister." she explained. My eyes widened at the news, a half sister? Why didn't she tell me about this before? "I don't really like to talk much about her. She's caused way too much trouble for us. Her and her mom." Jisoo continued to explain that when her Dad and his previous wife had a child, things weren't going well and they divorced, but the child didn't get anything from her dad because her mom wanted absolutely nothing to do with him and wanted the same for Yeji- that's the name of Jisoo's half sister."This was before my dad became wealthy,but now that he is, she so determine to get her hands on our wealth. We HAVE sent them money and gifts on Christmas ounce but they gave a call complaining that it was too little and that we should send more. They didn't even thank us. They even filed a court case against my dad saying he was abusive to his previous wife, but there was no evidence. My Dad always has weight on his shoulders, whenever something is finally ok at work there's always those two to add some stress." This felt like those moments when you're suppose to say something supportive to someone but you have no clue what to say. "Oh Jiji. I feel so sorry. This must have been hard to bare. I mean having a half sister that's constantly ruining your family's life? That sucks. A sister is supposed to be like a BFF,it must be disappointing to know that she doesn't like you."I said hoping that what I said would sound supportive .
"She hates me! It's better to have no sister than a half sister that causes you so much pain. You're lucky you don't have this in your life." Jisoo said with a sigh.
"Jisoo,I have no siblings,no father,the only family member that I have is my mom,so I love her dearly. You may have a terrible situation but at least you have a family that loves you." I replied feeling proud that I was sounding supportive. I usually had no idea what to say whenever people talked about there problems,my brain would usually just be like: I'm sorry,you have to go on without me.
It's so annoying how my brain works when I'm studying but not in these types of situations.
"Hey, don't forget that we're your family too and don't worry, my family may have it hard at times but I'm not letting it put me down. Everytime my mom's upset I just know it's because of them, but one day is one day,this will all end." Said Jisoo in a half smile.
Poor Jisoo, she's such a strong person. She's just like a big sister that I look up to,no matter what happens in her life she never cries or panicks. Yes she complains and wonders :why me? But she doesn't let it put herself down. I sometimes wonder how can someone be so mentally strong,I wish I was that strong. I'm not a crybaby-definatly not- but I'm also not that mentally strong.
"I don't know about you but I have work to do." Then she just left to go to her room.
My mind was replaying what just happened.
How can Jisoo be so sure that Auntie was crying because of that specific reason,yeah I now know that they've had it hard but what if she was crying for another reason."Ugh, it doesn't matter. It's more likely to be because of them that she's crying, plus Auntie's really tough Ive only seen her cry twice in my life." I said to myself.
That night Jisoo's father arrived and we were all having dinner."Woah, this soup is SPICY. It's even dark red" said Jisoo's father.
"Please don't tell me it's too hot for you to handle" said Jisoo's mother.
"Well it is a bit uhm.... spicy." he replied.
"What kind of a man are you? You can't even handle spicy food." said Jisoo's mother.
This made me want to laugh, but I decided to keep it in. Auntie really hated it when people criticized about her cooking.
"Are you happy here in Korea?" Jisoo's father asked me. "I haven't seen much of it but so far, it's amazing." I replied.
"Glad to hear it,I haven't spent much time with my family for a while. How about we all go out this weekend?"
"We're going somewhere with our friends on Saturday so...... maybe Sunday?" Jisoo said.
"Not a problem" He replied. "By the way Elodie, isn't your mom feeling lonely back at home, how is it that she's ok with you studying here when you'd be doing much better in France?" He asked.
Elodie pov: Oh my goodness,my mom! I've only called ounce since I came,she must be mad....or hurt.
"She said so many times that she wants to be a Korean fashion designer." Jisoo replied for me after noticing that I was lost in thought and forgot to reply.
*The next day at school*
I was on my way to sit at a table when Jenny called me from behind.
"Hi, you look great today" I said starting a conversation. "And you look better than you did yesterday, the jeans you're wearing makes you look skinnier" she said with a smile.
"What?" I asked. "Don't worry, it suites you really well." She continued. "C'mon, let's find the others."
Elodie pov: what the heck? I know that this girl gave me a warning about her attitude but wow, that was rude.
We got with the others and sat down to eat.
"Bakchon Hanok Village tomorrow morning. Are you coming Youko?" Asked Jennie. "Still looking for an excuse." She replied. "Why don't you wanna come? You're gonna be with us the whole time. What are you afraid of?" Asked Jennie.
"Being seen in public, being in public, having to talk to people I don't know, being in a situation where I have to talk by myself....."
"I'm guessing you have social anxiety" I mentioned. "Yeah" She replied while eating her Sashimi.
" This is ridiculous. You're gonna be with us the whole time and if we talk to others you don't also have to talk. Just stay quiet.People will think you're deep." Said Jenny.
In class Mr Min was giving us a lecture while we took notes. The class was almost over and I realized that Mr Min hasn't asked us to hand in our assignments. I told Jennie who was sitting next to me. " You can tell him if you want but do you really want to be that one student?"She asked. I thought it over and I decided that I didn't care. Just when I was about to tell him, a pencil bag hit me from the back of my head. "Don't!" A guy said from behind. "Some of us haven't even started our assignment" He continued.
"Well that's your problem." I replied to him angrily. Then I raised my hand to remind him and I seriously regret doing it.
"Between the both of us,whose the student and whose the teacher?" asked Mr Min and he did not look happy. "You're the teacher and we're the students." I replied.
"Exactly, so who on Earth do you think you are telling me how to do my job?"
"No, that's not what I intended to do." I replied. "Are you talking back?" He said.
"But you asked a question,am I not suppose to reply?" I asked.
"I'm the teacher and your the student.I teach and you shut up and learn. I already said that I do NOT tolerate disrespect in my class room. Let this be a warning. Now sit down."
Elodie pov: Note to self- never EVER speak to this teacher EVER again.You are here on scholarship,you do not want to do anything to make the teachers think you're a bad student.
I got a tap on the shoulder and turned to see who it was,it was the same guy who hit me with his pencil bag. "Thanks for the entertainment" he said. And this just got me more annoyed than I already was.

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