

I am Lucky to Have you ( Part 9)
{ I am sorry for not updating story for few days I was a little busy so I didn't got the time }

Udit - Sir I found some footage.

Mr. Raj - Lemme see !

( footage playing in which at a parking lot a van stopped in front of her and pulled her )

Mr. Raj - Tell me the van number and all its details fast .

Uddit - Ohk sir
( Other side of the scene )

Alice - Where am I ? 😟
( Am I kidnapped 😰😱😱, I don't even have any money 💰 why would anyone kidnap me , and I also dont have any problems with anyone 😟why...)

Unknown person - So you are awake little monster .

Alice - Why did you kidnapped me , who are you ? If you are doing it for money than let me tell you that I am a broke .

Unknown person- Uh , so many questions I did it because someone told me to do so , he is coming soon ask whatever you want to ask to him .

Alice - Who is he why did he kidnapped me ? 😟

Unknown person- I don't know.Now no more questions just shut up now .

Alice - ( Oh my god what is happening I have to escape from here but how )

Man - Where is she ? I hope you didn't do anything to her , if I found even a scratch on her body I will kill you .

Unknown person ( kidnapper) - Dont worry sir she is very safe in that room I just want money than you can take her .

Man - Hmm sure .Now all of you get lost .

( Comingg near the room )
( opened the door)

Alice - who are you 😰dont even think of doing something to me I will ....

Man - Why would I do something to you ? I am here to protect you .

Alice - 🧐😶🤔😟( confused)
( I think I know this person why his voice is so familiar to me .)
Alice - Who are you ? let me see your face
( The man is stamding in the dark )

Man - Sure ,

Alice - 🤯🤯I can't believe its you , how dare you kidnap me let me go do you understand let me go now .😠😠

Man - Uh I thought you would be happy seeing that its me no wonder you are still mad at me.

Alice - Whether I am mad at you or not you are not supposed to kidnap me 😠let go of me .
( Man coming close to her )

Man - You don't know what you are doing right now that's why I have to do this .I knew you would never listen to me if I approached you .

Alice - I know what I am doing you don't have to tell me .😠

To be continued............