

woman of steel( chapter two)
Shola you better leave me alone or so help me God, I tried to threaten my sister. Don’t threaten me Adesua and I am trying to save your ungrateful ass because your phone is ringing, Shola said. Shola please I am sleeping please leave me alone, I begged

Adesua, your phone is ringing and I am sure it is a very important call because this is the fourth time the person is calling, shola said.

Shola it may be one of my classmates that wants to ask me for something and I will respond to them when I wake up and if you think the way my phone is ringing is annoying, you can do me a favor by picking it but right now I really need to sleep, I said.

Hello, Adesua is fast asleep so I think you will have to call her later. “Who are you”, the person whose number was saved as Sarah asked.

My name is Shola and I am Adesua’s sister, I said.

That’s fine, please I need you to tell Adesua that there is a party and it is important that she attends, she said.

Okay I will, I said before hanging up without listening to what else she wants to say.

Thank goodness the sleeping goddess is awake after sleeping for complete four hours when the health workers advised us to only take a short nap in the afternoon, my sister said not without rolling her eyes.

Shola please stop being overdramatic, if you have a problem with the time I spend sleeping I think you don’t know anything yet, I said.

Whatever, Sarah called you when you were sleeping so I thought I should do you a favor by picking it, Shola said.
I already told this girl that I am not going to any party and not at that time of the night, I said. I know you don’t like going to parties because you are an introvert, Shola said and I rolled my eyes. Adesua, you are going to the party after all it is for the fresh students and I will be there, she tried to assure me.

Okay, we are going but we won’t stay that long because the guys there are so dangerous and I will not want you to get yourself into trouble, I warned her.
I am happy that you are able to make it, Sarah said hugging me. “You are Shola right” she asked my sister. Yes I am, she answered. Thank you for bringing her here because I know she wouldn’t have come. I am not a child so can we go to the party now, I said.

The party was interesting and fun; there were different games and many competitions. I am really enjoying myself there is no doubt about that.

Adesua, let’s go and dance, Shola said. No sister, you know I don’t like dancing in public so you can go and dance if you want and let me enjoy the party by watching, I said. Good luck watching sister, she said before leaving to join the rest.

“Why are you sitting alone”, a voice asked. I don’t know where the voice came from so I decided to ignore it. “Are you ignoring me now angel”, the voice asked. I tried to find the person but I didn’t see the person so I carried on watching Shola who is dancing like she has no worries. “Say something princess”, the voice said.

Axe, that’s so creepy, I said with a frown. Sorry Adesua, he laughed. Don’t do that next time, I thought that was a ghost. He laughed and I knew he was amused. Sorry for that anyways, he apologized.

“Do you mind taking a sip” he asked. What the hell is that? I scrunched my nose in disgust. Axe do you really expect me to drink this it smells like shit, I said.

It is not a big deal princess just take a sip and I am sure that you are going to like it, he said. She said she is not interested so why are you trying to force her, please leave from here you are intruding, Shola said. I am so happy she came to my rescue, I really love this girl.

Sister you should have left when he was making you uncomfortable, she scolded me. I was trying to be careful because the guy is not a nice guy, students really fear him and his gang so I don’t want to complicate things, I said.

You better don’t let anyone disrespect you and whosoever tries to do that I will put such a person in their place, I don’t care if they are in a dangerous gang or not, she said.

I love you sister, I really do, I said hugging her. I know you do love me, she said as she hugs me back.

Adesua Kosoko you are needed on the stage, I heard as they called my name. Sua, please go, Shola said. “Why are they calling me” I thought I told you that I don’t want people to even know I am in the party, I said to Sarah. I am sorry babe but I had no choice but to let them know since you are the President, she said with a guilty look. Its okay, I will go.

You are the most beautiful lady in this hall tonight, Larry the MC complimented me. Thank you Larry, I said. I know you are wondering why I called you on the stage but this is a very interesting thing we have all been waiting for.

“What is it” I asked confused. You will have to dance with Kelvin. What? I asked. I was shocked when he said that in fact everyone was shocked. I am sorry but I will have to refuse this dance, I need to go back to my seat, I said. You wouldn’t dare, we all know who Kelvin is and you know it won’t be good if you refuse him, he warned me. Okay, I said. Adesua, you can do this moreover this guy can’t do anything to you in front of the crowd so you will be fine, I tried to give myself a pep talk because I know this is trouble.

You look beautiful tonight, Kelvin said. I know it is rude but I didn’t reply him I just faked a smile. The few minutes I spent dancing with Kelvin were the most annoying moment of my life but I just had to keep dancing. After the dance I rushed out of the hall angry.

Adesua wait, I heard Shola calling me but I didn’t answer. I was in a hurry that I was not even bothered if Shola followed me or not. Adesua stop running or you will sprain your ankle, she said. She was able to catch up with me but instead of her scolding me she just pulled me into a hug and I could not stop crying. Stop crying Sua, she patted my back.

Do you mind telling me what happened? She asked. I really don’t like what happened there Shola, I said to her. Don’t worry, everything is fine just talk to me.

Kelvin has always tried to make me date him but I always refused. I know he is handsome, intelligent but this guy is dangerous. He is in the same gang with Axe and he is the boss. He is popularly known as Demon king and everyone fears him. He does drugs, assault girls, harass lecturers and other things that I can’t say.

You should have refused to dance with him, “why didn’t you”, she asked. I did refuse to dance with him but Larry threatened me so I just had to. Don’t worry sister I am always there for you, she said. I love you Sua, she said. I love you too.

I am very sorry for what happened yesterday Adesua, I did not know that Axe and his gang would be there, Sarah apologized. It is okay Sarah, if I would be frank I am really angry about what happened yesterday but let bygone be bygone, I said with a smile.

Thanks Adesua, we know you can’t stay angry for so long, Diane who happens to be one of my friends said.

“Why did all of you decide to come to my place today”, I asked. It seems princess does not want us to be here, Anita said.

That’s not what I mean I am just suspicious because you guys don’t come here just for fun, I said. The last time you all gathered in my room like this you all finished my fresh stew that I already planned to eat, not only that you interrupted my sleep. So I am curious, can someone answer me, I said looking at their faces.

We heard about your sister so we decided to come and see her, Jolade said. When I saw her yesterday I thought it was you but then I know better that it can’t be you, Diane said.

What are you guys going to do because she has gone to school she has class this morning, I said. We don’t mind waiting for her, Sarah said.

I actually don’t have any problem with you guys waiting but since you didn’t inform me before coming I did not make any preparations for you guys, I said. Don’t worry about the arrangements because we have done that, Sarah said. “Really”, I said. Okay no problem, have max fun then.

Beautiful sister, how was class, I asked Shola. Really? Did you just call me beautiful, she asked. Yes I did, in fact your fans are here to see you, I teased.

I don’t want to see anyone I am so hungry so did you make anything, she said. I actually didn’t make anything because I thought you would have found something to eat on campus, I said with a smirk. I hate you sister, you can’t do this to me, she said. Foodie, I told you that your fans are here so they are cooking for you in the kitchen, I said. if I don’t see anyone in the kitchen I will tell everyone your secrets, she said with a smirk this time.

You better don’t dare, I threatened.

“What secret is your sister talking about”, Sarah asked. “Why should she tell you”, Shola shouted. Shola calm down she is just asking you don’t have to be a meanie, I scolded her. Sarah, I apologize on her behalf because she is hungry and she is coming back from the hot sum, I said to Sarah. Take this juice we got it for you, Sarah said. Don’t look at me, collect it I am not going to beat you, I teased her. Your wish sister, she smirked. Thank you Sarah, Shola said.

You all are the best, Shola said with so much gratitude. Anything for you, Diane said. Adesua means a lot to us and she has done a lot for us so this is a little compared to what she has done, Jolade said. Thanks ladies, I really appreciate, I said to all of them.

I think I need to sleep now, I said with a yawn.

You better don’t dare, we came here so we can all have and you want to sleep, Anita said. She is only joking she can’t sleep, right? Shola asked.

Shut up Shola, you don’t even want your sister to enjoy her life, I said. Sorry sis but we have to entertain ourselves so we are starting with you. Me? that’s impossible, I said. Shola is right, all the girls said.

After spending hours playing truth or dare, dancing and Shola and Sarah singing we all lie down on the bed tired. I had so much fun with you guys, Shola said.

“Why are you so quiet”, I asked Anita when I noticed that she has been in a foul mood since she got here. Nothing is wrong with me, she said trying to hide her emotions. I know you very well and I can tell if something is really wrong with you or not so tell us, I said to her.

I love Dare so much and I am willing to do anything but I don’t think I want to lose my virginity to him at least not yet, she said.

Tell him you are not ready, Shola said. Calm down Shola, let’s hear her out, I said.
He has been insisting that we have sex but I have always refused but yesterday he told me he is tired of me and that he is breaking up with me, she said.

I can’t believe Dare can do that, I thought he was sensible how can he just end your relationship because you refused to have sex with him, Shola said.

Listen here, you don’t have to have sex with him, Jolade said. The fact that he ended the relationship because of something small like that shows he doesn’t love you like he said, Sarah said.

We are ladies and we don’t have to be the one that suffers in a relationship. I hate guys that don’t respect girls’ feelings and I don’t even expect Dare to do that to you, I said. I am the kind of girl that still hold the traditional beliefs, I believe that I won’t lose my virginity till my wedding night and that to someone I love, I said. Maybe she is a virgin or not, a lady should never think of using sex to save her relationship. So you shouldn’t do that because even if you refuse to give him he is going to get it elsewhere, I said. I don’t want you to get hurt, wait for the guy that is going to treasure you without forcing anything on you.

Thank you so much Adesua, she said with a smile. “So what are you going to do now”, the girls asked. I am moving on, she said. That’s my girl, Shola said. I think I need to sleep now, I said to myself because all the girls are fast asleep.

“Where are the girls”, shola asked.

They have gone to their hostels so we will see them later, I told her.

I pity Anita, the girl was so confused and she didn’t know what to do but because of you she is fine now. Women must realize that our happiness does not depend on men only then can they live freely without any heartbreak, Shola said. I just can’t believe Dare can do that, I remember when I met him the first time he was cool and I didn’t see him as a player.
Shola I can’t believe it either but the truth is we can never trust anyone and these guys out there don’t have any idea about relationship they only care about sex but we have to be wise, I said. Don’t judge a book by its cover, I just can’t believe people will fall in love at first sight that’s the stupidest thing I have ever heard, Shola said.
You are right sister, I said.