

Yesterday was the time of the blood-moon; and there was a strange fragrance in the air that almost drove me mad. Indeed, superstition of religions could not be thus without their bibles, or their texts at all. Many others -- for example, Christianity -- have their prophets, yet still have their bibles. Would we have faith in God at all without a bible?

Daemons, gods, Angel's, and imps, all have their ancient texts within; yet gods are the most worshipped, even if this god may be abysmal at heart and soul. With each dying ember, could there birth another religion, though, not likely to happen.

My name is Johanson Walters, and I have been of ancient interest since my earliest infancies, that indeed could not have thus been without my parents' superstition in the strange goddess of Kaman-thah, ancient goddess of fertility. Strange was this god, for it hath no texts, nor prophets; it was indeed just there.

Fatal injuries accompanied me when I had left my hometown as a traveler of Massachusetts. There were two large, strong men who demanded for most of my meals and values, and I need give, lest I wanted to die. At first I refused, yet after a beating more horrible than I could imagine, I did as I was asked. They then left me cold and sad in that deserted land, and no where could I be seen.

The spectre and the darkness came to me thus. The spectre was a tall, slim, and slender evil, a thing on which the cold demoniac feelings could come from, though, the darkness was a large mass of tentacles coming from the ancient of cold debris of black. I think I almost went mad thence, yet I then awaked in a cold, vast mass of black goo, which extended about me like Satan's hideous climb! My arm felt like that of some small imp chewing into my flesh, and my skin felt like that of lava being dropped upon it!

When I tried to pull my arm out, the goo covered it whole, and I ran towards the edge of the forgotten land, which was definitely not Massachusetts. And there, I saw a large mass of sea, which I needed soak my arm in to wash off the goo.

I collapsed on the floor, and so then awoke in the psychiatric hospital, brought thither when a couple of sailors found my floating body from the cold, unbroken blue.

Now, I rest, for that indeed is what I must have. And tomorrow, I plan that I die.

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