

The Door of dreams

Chapter One: The Elusive Door
As I woke up this morning from my recurring dream, the image of a hallway with a door at the end lingered in my mind. Each night, I would walk towards it, only for it to move further away. But last night, something changed. I finally reached the door, feeling its cold glass beneath my fingertips. Just as I was about to open it, I was abruptly pulled back into reality.
Chapter Two: The Message Within
The dream haunted me throughout the day, its meaning eluding me. Was it a sign to persevere despite setbacks? To keep pushing forward even when faced with obstacles? The door symbolized a threshold, a gateway to something unknown. I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was a message hidden within its elusive nature.
Chapter Three: Unlocking Potential
As night fell, I found myself back in the dream, standing before the door once more. This time, I didn't hesitate. With determination in my heart, I turned the knob and stepped through. What awaited me on the other side was a world of endless possibilities, a reflection of my own potential. The dream had served its purpose, urging me to unlock the doors of my mind and soul, to embrace the journey ahead with courage and conviction.
© Nate