

Oh it was a time when no one could come in because. no body was there
An it was weird because this was the
right day and times but everything
was made wrong. Once the cereal
box fell on the floor. bells in the town
disappeared rang it was a scary but
it seems as if only 5 people left
but that's not true. it's more then that
but we're they are is a whole total different story. So the others walk and find a place were others could be no
luck until we came to a house which
people and we were invited in then
we ate watched news and waited for
news of a cure so things could go back to normal but no luck. And then they
said schools and colleges were going
to be open and more people could be hurt by the air we breath but no adults
stop and think do we want our kid exposed to what may be out the not good. Or have them online in the safe
environment of there own homes
computer learning could be the wave of
the new commerce. And working from your computer could be the best thing
for the future generations which have to
survive a pandemic we never asked for or our. young never asked for.
Or people saying don't look out window
don't enjoy your apt. Luring on you all day everyday. means some of the adults
are not thinking clearly. So I pray to keep my mind leveled. But there is evil among
just waiting to get me and that evil I will
do like a video game and get those and
make them disappear from the play areas
then I will reach level after level fight the
way I was wronged every day. But no time to thing about it just live it and
play it like a video game and I got the best moves on it. Stopping evil and laying
it out of my life to keep my life clear
from pain an virus Covid 19 and it's
many strands. Which I will fight like
street fighter moving that stuff out
And bleaching and clean ing almost
everything around not to get over run
by unfocusing on the mission at hand
for people to be safe. And for the world
to be safe from its path with a cure. Don't make more generations become a
test run for all the world. To see us get
higher and higher numbers of this unending video game that has us at a leverage of level ing and trying to find
some ways to breath and not lose any
more players to this unsure game mainly
our kids keep them safe from that pain.
I don't want kids to test subjects for this
bad unending video game where we are
not all leveling up. So in this game an make a solution to get. away from this
kind of deadly game of life destroy ing
our people. in a bad way. So going back to the beginning and the whole different
story well there was a car rolling and riding out there having us hide for that
driver fighting to stay alive but also angry
about not having what he wanted but the thing is see nobody knows what he wanted. Or why some don't get out the car or wear a mask. But the cars may
keep them safe from unsafe situations that got us all screaming about going
through this time and unhealthy pain
Somebody tell me why when we get
older we reflex on the worse things
instead. Then we out taking chances
sitting in air that could be killing our
body's. No this pandemic has to end
So we fight to survive and find more
people look ing for help from Covid 19
And all its strands. Yes even if I turn
off the game the players are still out there fighting this thing and survival
is now all our plans for the future to
come. This video games levels got us all
on the 🏃.
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