

A life so beautiful...
The picture in the frame held a lot of memories. Some good, some sad. Her tired eyes roamed over it one last time before she tossed it in the fire. It was time to start afresh life. She took her all courage knowing its worth it to move on.
Alexa a powerful dominent woman was not as she was before, the struggle and hardships she went through is limitless. Never to mention her family troubles. The walmhearted kid in her didn't know she was going to experience a world like no one did.
One morning as usual, Alexa took her morning coffee as she opened her office room and started pailing up her papers for the days work. She took career more than her future lovelife which she took as a crisis. Her toxic parents led her to run away from home at a young age. The memories of the past night was rumoring around her as she piled up files one by one.
A girl with dominent feature doesn't attract man they said and she thought it as a gift. Her calmness in arguments and keeping the attractive ruddness made her so much attention and rumors.
After evening, Alexa decided to have a lone time in cafe for clearing her mind.Ordering her dialy favorite coffee she sat on a corner of the cafe when she noticed a strange looking man was waving at her. She tried to look away when she thought to herself that she had met the man. Remembering hard and not getting she decided to take a look who it is. "Something about him is disturbing ", she said to herself. She reached to the man and asked who he was. The man stared at her with a gleeful laugh and asked to prepare for her mission. Shocked Alexa decided to leave the phyco man alone. She went quickly back to her place she noticed the man had already gone. That night she was so disturbed she decided to take a look at her wierd diary of her grandpa that he left her.
She turned the pages with a sign of sadness and reached in a page where it was written her name next to a male's name.She had always thought it must be someone from her grandpas past never to know its actually mentioned about her.
She turned the pages again when she noticed black colored ink pouring down her ankle from nowhere. Panicking she dropped the diary and amusingly saw the ink was from inside the diary. She picked it again to find a symbol which looked like a snakes tail, a amulet and a triangle. She noticed she was getting dizzy all of a sudden and next thing she knew she was blacked out.
When she opened her eyes, she was staring at a sky which was springed with colours of galaxy. Alexa quickly got up to know she was in a unknown land with thousand of human of different species looking at her with shocking eyes. A funny looking drawf man came out to her with a red beautiful scarf and gave her with a bow. Alexa was hungry and tired so much, she decided to ask help from the funny looking human beings. She pointed to her tummy than her mouth than she actioned them to sleep. Shockingly the little man actually TALKED!!, the little man told her shes gonna be good here and will tell her everything about them. Embarrassed she followed them.They took her to a castle where tables and chairs are made out of silver and statues where the guardians. Beautiful embroidery letters where all over the castle and not far away she screwed her eyes to see a magnificent male and female sitting in a 10 foot throne.
When she came closer, they both ran and hugged her tight mentioning her as the princess.Scared to say anything she stayed silent the whole time until she was given a magnificent bedroom. She took the dwarf man inside and asked him to tell her everything.
To her shock the dwarf man was really her uncle and her grandpa's child was the queen of the kingdom of the parallel universe. Her grandpa decided to stay in human world for the sake of their universe and the news was hidden from her long time just to keep her safe. She also understood her whole life was a lie and that she was not a human and can't go back to her world. Later that morning,she wake up to see a dark stain on her left hand...

To be continued....

© michu_muhsina