

A Sad Challenge
A girl says to her boyfriend, 'lets make a challenge, live 24 hours without me, without any contact between us.' The boy accepting the challenge, didn't think anything of it. The boy knew that the girlfriend had a sickness, but still, he didn't have any contact with her for 24 hours, he had done it. He bought a boquet of flowers for her. He walked into her house, but she wasn't there. He walked into her room and he saw a small phone, and a note, the phone started ringing. Before he grabbed it answered. "Hey babe, you did it! And I wish I could see you.." The girl had begun crying softly. "I didn't tell you what's really wrong with me. I suffer from severe depression. And I couldn't tell you because I didn't want to worry you." He began holding back tears and gasping for air as it the sentences faded into nothing, but he could still hear her voice. her last words he could here were, "I love you.. Good bye." He sat there crying. And he knew what had happened, he wished nothing had happened to her. He yelled out her name. He started crying loudly. He threw the flowers and started started throwing a tantrum. He kept yelling and messing things up. He yelled out her name and started yelling out louder. He hugged the small phone and cried large tears. He dropped to his knees and stared at his shaking hands with the letter and phone. He cried and closed his eyes. Praying for her to come back.