

Arav, a vibrant and extroverted young man, was sitting on his parked bike, deeply engrossed in a phone call. Out of nowhere, a speeding car collided with him, leaving both Arav and the driver severely injured. They were rushed to the hospital, with Arav's vision blurring before he lost consciousness. When he awoke, he found himself in a hospital bed with an IV drip in his hand. The room was eerily silent, except for a patient on an oxygen mask lying on the opposite bed.

Grateful to be alive, Arav tried to relax, but he soon realized that no one came to check on him. The silence was unsettling. Suddenly, the other patient’s condition deteriorated, and a nurse rushed in to stabilize him with an injection. Not long after, Arav felt nauseous, and the nurse brought him a bowl of foul-smelling soup. Despite its repulsive taste, he drank it and felt immediate relief.

One morning, Arav woke up with a severe stomach-ache. He writhed in pain, clutching his abdomen. The nurse arrived promptly with the same ugly-looking, foul-smelling soup. He protested, “Not this again, please! I can’t stand it!” But the nurse was insistent. Arav was forced to drink the soup, The next day, Arav developed a high fever. His body felt like it was on fire, and he shivered uncontrollably. Once again, the nurse appeared with the same revolting soup. “This will help,” she assured him. Arav’s heart sank. With no option he took the bowl, its stench making him gag, and reluctantly drank it. Another time, Arav suffered from a splitting headache. It felt as if his skull was being hammered from the inside. He begged for painkillers, but the nurse handed him the same bowl of soup. “This is your medicine,” she said firmly. Arav’s frustration peaked. Once again he was forced to gulp the soup down. However, as time passed, Arav experienced various ailments, each time receiving the same disgusting soup. Each ailment was met with the same treatment. Diarrhoea, muscle cramps, dizziness no matter the problem, the nurse always brought the same vile concoction. Meanwhile, the other patient received various treatments, from pills to IV drips, and a diet of nutritious, appetizing food. Arav felt a deep sense of injustice and desperation.

This ordeal continued until one day, Arav vomited blood and became extremely weak. Desperate for proper medication, he was relieved to see a doctor approaching. The doctor, a young man with strange bull mark and set of red threads on his right, brought the same dreaded soup. Arav, on the brink of breaking down, cried out, “Why are you giving me the same thing for all my problems? I can’t tolerate it anymore!”
The doctor laughed and replied, “The man who saw all women in the same degrading light is now lecturing me about different treatments for different problems?”

Arav was stunned. The story of his past actions unravelled in his mind. He was a sociable guy, loved by his friends and admired by many. He enjoyed making new friends, especially with women, whom he encouraged to be independent and confident. But beneath this façade, he manipulated and objectified them for his pleasure. He taunted shy village girls into joining his company, only to make offensive comments about their bodies. No woman was spared from his lecherous gaze, not even his teachers or women his mother’s age.

Realizing the depth of his mistakes, Arav became silent. The doctor continued, “You were fed the same bad soup because you saw all women as objects for your pleasure, manipulating them to satisfy your lust. Here, in this dimension, I am the supreme judge of your actions.”

Arav, desperate to justify himself, argued, “But I’m modern! It’s totally normal!”. The doctor shook his head, granting Arav the ability to read minds. He took Arav outside the ward into the real world, where they were invisible to others. Arav saw his mother and friends waiting anxiously. He saw one of his close friends, who was trying to console his girlfriend. But as Arav listened to the thoughts, he realized this friend was secretly taking pleasure from the situation rather than showing genuine concern. Arav’s anger flared, but he was powerless to intervene. He watched in agony as his mother, mistaking another young boy for her son, showered him with maternal affection. However, this boy looked at her with the same lecherous gaze Arav had once used on other women. The doctor remained silent as they teleported to the college. There, Arav saw another friend using his accident to get closer to a girl. Doctor asked is it enough or shall we go elsewhere? Realizing the depth of his betrayal, Arav broke down, confessing his sins and begging for a chance to make things right. The doctor, finally speaking, said, “Do you expect me to let you go so easily? You’ve broken the trust of many and manipulated innocent girls. On what basis should I forgive you?”. Arav pleaded, “I realize my mistakes now. Please, give me one chance to correct them.”
The doctor warned him about the consequences of his actions and the showed the other perspectives how women should we loved and treated. He then placed Arav back on his hospital bed. Arav, overwhelmed with guilt and sorrow, lost consciousness.

The doctor turned to the other patient, who had been watching and weeping. It was Samarth, the boy who had hit Arav with his car. Samarth was known for his cheerful nature and respectful attitude towards everyone, especially women. Unlike Arav, he had always treated women with the respect and kindness they deserved. He had become intolerant of Arav’s actions because he saw his friends being spoiled and manipulated. Despite his efforts to explain and protect them, they grew closer to Arav, making their relationships toxic. As Samarth watched his friends drift away, drawn to Arav’s charismatic persona, he felt a profound sense of loneliness and betrayal. Despite his efforts to protect and guide them, they seemed blind to Arav’s manipulative behaviour. Samarth’s heart ached as he realized that his once-close friendships were slipping through his fingers, replaced by a toxic dynamic fuelled by Arav’s influence. He felt abandoned and helpless, unable to break through the spell Arav had cast over his friends. Yet, amidst the pain, Samarth remained steadfast in his conviction to stand up for what was right, even if it meant standing alone. And atlast he decides to crash Arav to death on frustration in order to protect his friends. The doctor consoled Samarth, understanding his intentions, and forgave him. Samarth, too, lost consciousness.
When Arav woke up in the ICU, his mother was holding his hand. They cried together, speechless. After being moved to the ward, few friends gathered around Arav who never knew his bad intentions, while Samarth was in another hospital, cheered up by his family and many friends.

Months later, Arav and Samarth met at the college cafeteria. They discussed the accident, each recalling their encounter with the doctor but keeping it to themselves. When a friend began flirting with a girl, they heard a voice from behind asking, “Can I take this extra chair?” They turned to see the same doctor with the red thread. Their hearts raced, and they started to sweat, realizing their friend was the next target.

And boom !!! 💥💥💥

Girls are not just meant to fulfil materialistic needs or be objectified for their beauty. True admiration and love involve respecting their individuality, valuing their intelligence, and appreciating their strengths.
Loving or adoring a girl shouldn’t be confined to superficial or sexual desires. Instead, it should encompass a deep respect for who she is as a person. This includes supporting her dreams, acknowledging her efforts, and standing by her in times of need. It’s about celebrating her achievements, understanding her struggles, and fostering a relationship built on trust and mutual respect. They can be loved as mothers, sisters, and good friends, with deep respect for their unique qualities.
Real love and adoration go beyond superficial desires, embracing their character, kindness, and contributions to our lives and society. Treating them merely as objects of desire diminishes their true worth and overlooks the rich and diverse roles they play.

© śmiech króla