

Into the unknown
I lay down at night and look at the stars. My eyes get heavy as my mind wonders far. As my eyes close, and I drift away. I see the small light at the end of the way. As I look at myself laying on the bed I see the way to get back in. As I begin to freak out the man, beside me begins to talk.Only I can hear the bone chilling things they say. I look around and it's always dark .No light to be found but the one that's way to far. Battling my fear of all that evil, but knowing my god is with me makes it less horrific. As scared as I am I keep going. I'm walking down that path and I see them try to reach out for me, but I run as fast as I can so they can't touch me .As I'm running I think to myself and start to realize I'm just running in the same spot ! Confused as I am I stop running I clear my head and listen to the voices, but as I'm listening all I can hear is the voices of the evil spirits . Then all of a sudden the voices stopped and the light got bigger and brighter, but it wasn't heavens light. I looked closer at the light, and seen this figure. A person that looked like my size. I didn't think anything of it at first. I just thought maybe someone was trying to help me get back to my body. I started to be able to walk .I didn't run I just walked I began to not be afraid anymore because I felt as though I wasn't alone. This figure started talking and the voices began to talk. I was able to toon them out but not for long. As I'm listening to this voice it started getting clearer. As I began to get closer, I realized this figure was an astro projection of myself, I astro projected into my vision inorder to escape the evil. In the end I was the help I needed.
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